Tuesday 28 November 2017

Ozforex Logo Schöpfer

Forex-Handel mit Alpari: Zuverlässigkeit und Innovation im Handel Warum Alpari wählen Heute Alpari ist einer der weltweit größten Forex Broker. Dank der Erfahrung, die das Unternehmen mit jahrelanger Arbeit erworben hat, kann Alpari seinen Kunden ein breites Spektrum an qualitativ hochwertigen Dienstleistungen für den modernen Internethandel am Devisenmarkt anbieten. Mehr als eine Million Kunden haben Alpari als ihren vertrauenswürdigen Lieferanten von Forex Services gewählt. Was ist Forex Der Forex (Foreign Exchange) Markt erschien am Ende der 1970er Jahre, nachdem viele Länder beschlossen, ihre Währung Wert von der US-Dollar oder Gold zu trumpfen. Dies führte zur Bildung eines internationalen Marktes, auf dem die Devisen ausgetauscht und frei gehandelt werden konnten. Heute ist Forex der größte Finanzmarkt der Welt. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo Sie leben oder sogar, wo Sie gerade sind, solange Sie Zugang zum Internet haben, ein Handels-Terminal (ein spezielles Programm für den Handel mit Forex) und ein Konto mit einem Forex-Broker, alle Instrumente und Möglichkeiten von Forex sind Offen für Sie. Wer sind Händler Trader sind Menschen, die auf dem Forex-Markt arbeiten und versuchen, die Richtung, in der die Preise einer Währung gehen und machen einen Handel für den Kauf oder Verkauf dieser Währung zu ermitteln. Als solche, durch den Kauf einer Währung billiger und verkaufen es für mehr, kaufen Händler Geld auf dem Forex-Markt. Trader treffen ihre Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage der Analyse aller Faktoren, die die Preise beeinflussen können, so dass sie genau zu erarbeiten, in welche Richtung die Preise bewegen. Profit kann der Handel Forex auf den Preisverfall einer Währung, so wie der Gewinn kann auf einen Anstieg des Preises für eine bestimmte Währung gemacht werden. Darüber hinaus können Händler Trades auf dem Forex-Markt von überall auf der Welt machen, sei es London oder Timbuktu. Wo können Sie lernen, wie man Forex Forex Für Anfänger, die gerade ihre ersten Schritte auf dem Forex-Markt getroffen haben, empfehlen wir die Einschreibung auf einem unserer Bildungs-Kurse. Die Kurse werden Sie nicht nur die Grundlagen des Devisenmarktes, sondern auch Methoden der Analyse der Forex-Markt zu lehren und wie man gemeinsame Fallstricke zu vermeiden. Mit Ausbildung von Alpari erhalten Sie wertvolle theoretische Kenntnisse, die Sie im Handel anwenden können. Darüber hinaus werden Sie über Geld-Management, lernen, die Kontrolle über Ihre Emotionen zu nehmen, zu entdecken, wie Handel Roboter nützlich sein können und vieles mehr. Sie können an den Kursen vom Komfort Ihres eigenen Hauses teilnehmen: online. Wöchentliche Finanzanalysen und News, ready-to-use Handel Ideen sowie kostenlose analytische Dienstleistungen auf Alparis Website wird Ihnen helfen, die richtigen Entscheidungen beim Handel Forex. Wie können Sie Forex Trading Wenn Sie noch nie mit Forex gearbeitet haben, können Sie testen Sie alle Möglichkeiten der Handelswährung auf einem Demo-Konto mit virtuellen Fonds. Mit einem Demo-Konto werden Sie in der Lage, den Forex-Markt von innen zu erkunden und entwickeln Sie Ihre eigene Trading-Strategie. Sie können immer profitieren von fertigen Lösungen, indem Sie sich mit Feedback von anderen Händlern. Nachdem Sie ein Konto eröffnet haben, sei es eine Demo oder Live-Konto, müssen Sie ein spezielles Programm herunterladen, um auf dem Forex-Markt ein Handels-Terminal zu arbeiten. Im Terminal können Sie verfolgen Marktzitate, machen Trades durch Eröffnung und Schließung Positionen und halten mit Finanznachrichten aktualisiert. Sie können aus Handels-Terminals für PC als auch für mobile Geräte wählen: alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre Arbeit mit Forex so bequem wie möglich zu machen. Sie können den Handel auf dem Forex Devisenmarkt mit Alpari mit jeder Menge von Mitteln auf Ihrem Konto. Wenn Sie möchten, versuchen Sie Forex-Handel auf einem Live-Konto, sondern um die Risiken so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, versuchen Sie den Handel mit einem nano. mt4-Konto, wo die Währung in Eurocents und US-Dollar gehandelt cents. Press veröffentlicht 20 Juli 2016 Oakland Oakland Juli 20, 2016 99designs, der weltweit größte Online-Grafik-Design-Markt, gab heute bekannt, dass seine Gemeinschaft der Grafik-Designer hat nun mehr als 150 Millionen USD über seine Plattform verdient. Mit mehr als 3,5 Millionen US-Dollar pro Monat, um seine globale Design-Community über 90 Design-Kategorien (einschließlich aufstrebende Kategorien wie Mobile App Design und Book Cover Design), hat 99designs die Nummer eins freiberufliche Design-Community durch sein Engagement für die Designer rund um die Zugang zur Arbeit finden und den Zugang zu angewandtem Lernen erweitern. Design ist die Gestaltung Zukunft Karriere und die nächste Generation von Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt und wir freuen uns, eine Rolle spielen in diesem Phänomen. Unsere einzigartige Kombination aus Bildung und Wettbewerb hat die Karriere der Designer auf der ganzen Welt beschleunigt, sagte Patrick Llewellyn, CEO und Präsident von 99designs. Bildung und ständiger Zugang zu Arbeit ist von zentraler Bedeutung für das, was wir bei 99designs tun und Schlüssel dazu beitragen, unsere Vision zu erreichen, Design online zu besitzen. In den vergangenen acht Jahren hat 99designs sein Engagement für die Aufklärung der Weltdesigner erweitert und widmet sich weiterhin erheblichen Ressourcen, die Designern dabei helfen, ihre Fähigkeiten zu erweitern. Die Design-Community ist ein integraler Bestandteil der 99designs-Geschichte und jeder vierte Mitarbeiter von 99designs arbeitet in einer Rolle, die direkt mit ihnen zusammenarbeitet, darunter ein Team, das sich der Kuration, der Erziehung und Pflege seiner Mitglieder widmet. Educational Ressourcen stehen für alle Designer über mehrere Wege, einschließlich der Blog. Forum und Community-basierte Bildungsprogramme. Andere Initiativen beinhalten ein Advocates-Programm, bestehend aus Mitgliedern der Gemeinschaft, die für die Mentoring anderer Designer durch Peer-Portfolio-Bewertungen und durch Web-Hosting gewidmet ist. Und das Top-9-Programm, das jeden Monat top Designer auf 99designs zelebriert und begeistert sie zu fordern und zu schieben. Kürzlich startete 99designs seine ersten 99awards, wo Top-Designer aus dem vergangenen Jahr wurden von ihren bevorzugten Kunden, 99designs Mitarbeiter und von anderen Designern auf der Plattform erkannt. 99designs weiterhin zurück zu geben, um ihre Gemeinschaft und ab heute, Designer auf 99designs registriert erhalten auch eine 30-Tage-Testversion von Lynda, von Linkedin, wo sie Zugang zu über 1.000 Design-Kurse einschließlich inspirierende Dokumentationen von Profis an der Spitze ihrer Spiel, reale Welt konzeptionelle Design-Fähigkeiten und in der Tiefe Abdeckung von jedem großen professionellen Design-Tool. Alle Designer werden ermutigt, an einem einwöchigen Curriculum teilzunehmen, das von den Design-Experten von 99designs kuratiert wird, um neue Designtechniken zu erlernen und ihre Fähigkeiten herauszufordern. Designer können auf dieser Seite mehr über dieses Angebot erfahren. 99designs ist der weltweit größte On-Demand-Design-Marktplatz und verbindet eine globale Gemeinschaft von freiberuflichen Designern mit Unternehmen aller Größen, um ihre Design-Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Entworfen von Designern für Designer, begann 99designs mit einer Gruppe von Designern, die miteinander konkurrierten, um die besten Designs zu schaffen. 2008 wurde dieser freundliche Wettbewerb zu einem einzigartigen Design-Markt, der mittlerweile zum weltweit führenden Online-Grafikdesign geworden ist. 99designs verändert das Leben der Designer auf der ganzen Welt, indem sie ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, weltweit auf Kunden zuzugreifen, Einkommen zu verdienen und ihr Portfolio zu bauen. 99designs hat mehr als 150 Millionen an Designer in der ganzen Welt ausgegeben mit einer Rate von 3,5 Millionen pro Monat. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Oakland, Kalifornien, hat Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland, Japan und Brasilien. 99designs startet nächste Phase des Wachstums in der Rekordjagd Offenlegung wichtiger Kennzahlen für das erste Mal in der Firmengeschichte 8 Mrz 2016 San Francisco Worlds größter Grafik-Design-Markt feiert Meilensteine ​​und Rekordjahr mit Enthüllung von Rebrand San Francisco 8. März 2016 99designs. Der weltweit größte Online-Grafik-Design-Markt, feiert ein Rekordjahr, das die stärkste Leistung in der Geschichte des Unternehmens umfasst. In seinem achten Jahr in Folge des zweistelligen Wachstums erzielte 99designs einen Umsatz von 60 Millionen USD. Die 99designs Plattform erleichtert über 10.000 Design-Wettbewerbe jeden Monat, und insgesamt haben Kunden über 500.000 Design-Wettbewerbe über die Lebensdauer des Unternehmens gestartet. 99designs schnell wachsenden 1-to-1 Projects Feature, ein Arbeitsbereich, in dem ein Designer und ein Kunde individuell auf der Plattform zusammenarbeiten können, ist 50 Jahr-über-Jahr gewachsen und macht jetzt 15 des Gesamtumsatzes des Unternehmens aus. Designer Auszahlungen sind mittlerweile durchschnittlich 3,5 Millionen USD pro Monat und haben 142 Millionen USD Lebenszeit, beste Klasse in der Online-Grafik-Design-Welt erreicht haben. Wir haben unser bestes Jahr im Jahr 2015 genossen, da wir fast 60 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz erwirtschafteten, einschließlich eines 50-jährigen Wachstums in unserem 1-zu-1-Projekt-Dienst, der mittlerweile für 15 aller Umsätze verantwortlich ist, sagte Patrick Llewellyn, Präsident Und CEO, 99designs. Unser Erfolg wird von unserem zielorientierten Fokus auf die Lösung der Herausforderungen im globalen Design-Markt getrieben. Durch die kontinuierliche Investition in die Qualität unserer Design-Community und die Werkzeuge, die es ihnen ermöglichen, eine Verbindung und Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden online, wurden ein größeres Segment der Premium-Kunden zu 99designs. Dies wird unser Wachstum im Jahr 2016 und darüber hinaus treiben. 99designs dient den Design-Bedürfnissen von Unternehmern und KMU, die ihre Marken auf den Markt bringen wollen und hat eine wachsende Kundenbasis von großen Marken und Marketing-Agenturen, die 99designs verwenden, um Grafik-Design, eine Validierung der Qualität der freiberuflichen Grafik-Designer auf der Plattform. Globale Expansion war ein zentraler Bestandteil des Erfolgs von 99designs und 2015 wurde durch starke Leistung in Schlüsselmärkten getragen. Die fünf führenden Märkte sind die Vereinigten Staaten, Australien, das Vereinigte Königreich, Kanada und Deutschland. Eine 10-Millionen-USD-Strategie-B-Finanzierungsrunde Anfang 2015, die von Recruit Strategic Partners geleitet wurde, um die Expansion von 99designs nach Asien zu fördern, war sehr erfolgreich, da Japan 99designs am schnellsten wächst. Um diese großen Errungenschaften zu feiern, startet 99designs einen Rebrand, der die Unternehmensentwicklung von einem Ziel für Startups reflektiert, um ein schnelles und erschwingliches Logo-Design in den weltweit größten On-Demand-Marktplatz für qualitativ hochwertige Grafikdesign zu erhalten. Wir wollen Design online zu besitzen. Weve erstellt einen besseren Weg, um Design für Unternehmen getan große und kleine, sagte Llewellyn. Dieser Rebrand feiert das Kernstück des Erfolgs von 99designs: die Beziehungen, die Kunden mit unserer kuratierten Design-Community haben, die Qualität der Arbeit, die auf der Plattform entsteht, und die Verbindung, die Designer mit ihren Designs haben. Über die 99designs Rebrand In den letzten acht Jahren hat 99designs der weltweit größte Grafik-Design-Marktplatz, indem es einfacher für Design, um die Dinge, die es geboren wurde, um zu tun: bauen Unternehmen, verschieben Einstellungen und ändern Leben. Der Rebrand hält den Fokus auf die Kunden, die Designer und die Art, wie sie zusammenarbeiten, um einen Unterschied zu machen. Das neue Logo wurde von Onripus entworfen und wurde von über 4.000 Einsendungen aus 556 Designern weltweit ausgewählt. Es ist ein Teil des Look and Feel des neuen Rebrand, der die Verbindung zwischen dem Designer, dem Kunden und 99designs feiert. Für weitere Informationen über 99designs rebrand, gehen Sie bitte hier. 99designs ist der weltweit größte On-Demand-Design-Marktplatz und verbindet eine globale Gemeinschaft von freiberuflichen Designern mit Unternehmen aller Größen, um ihre Design-Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Entworfen von Designern für Designer, begann 99designs mit einer Gruppe von Designern, die miteinander konkurrierten, um die besten Designs zu schaffen. 2008 wurde dieser freundliche Wettbewerb zu einem einzigartigen Design-Markt, der mittlerweile zum weltweit führenden Online-Grafikdesign geworden ist. 99designs verändert das Leben der Designer auf der ganzen Welt, indem sie ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, weltweit auf Kunden zuzugreifen, Einkommen zu verdienen und ihr Portfolio zu bauen. 99designs hat mehr als 142 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt bezahlt mit einer Rate von 3,5 Millionen pro Monat. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Oakland, Kalifornien, hat Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland, Japan und Brasilien. Grafikdesign-Marktplatz 99designs Nabs-Gouverneur des Victoria-Export-Preises 13 Okt 2015 Oakland 99designs gab heute bekannt, dass es als der 2015 viktorianische Exporteur des Jahres bei einer Preisverleihung von Her Excellency der ehrenwerte Linda Dessau AM, Gouverneur von Victoria gehostet wurde. Die Auszeichnung honoriert Victorias die erfolgreichsten und innovativsten Exporteure. Die Auszeichnung honoriert das Wachstum von einem Startup in der fruchtbaren Region Victoria in Australien zu einem globalen Unternehmen, das mittlerweile über vier Niederlassungen auf vier Kontinenten verfügt. Melbourne, Victoria ist ein großartiger Ort, um ein Team zu bauen und auf der Welt. Wir sind in der Lage, Talent aus ganz Australien und der Welt nach Melbourne zu gewinnen, da es ein großartiger Ort zum Arbeiten und Leben ist, sagte Patrick Llewellyn, Präsident und CEO von 99designs. Wir lieben es, ein Teil seiner blühenden Tech-Ökosystem, und diese Anerkennung von der Gouverneur von Victoria ist eine nette Anerkennung der harten Arbeit unserer Teams nicht nur hier, sondern rund um die Welt. Melbourne war längst als Drehscheibe der Innovation im Online-Bereich bekannt und war der Geburtsort für viele große frühe Marken im Online-Bereich, einschließlich Realestate. au und Seek. au, in den frühen Tagen und später CultureAmp, Flippa und RedBubble. Heute wählen globale Spieler wie Etsy, Eventbrite, Stripe und Xero Melbourne als Heimatbasis für den australischen Markt. Melbourne hat auch begonnen, um das Wachstum in Startup-Inkubatoren und lokalen VCs wie Inspire9 und lokale VCs wie SquarePeg Capital zu helfen, Frühstadien Startups Kraftstoff zu sehen. 99designs wurde 2008 von Mark Harbottle und Matt Mickiewicz in Melbourne von Mark Harbottle und Matt Mickiewicz gegründet und entwickelte die Idee eines Designwettbewerbs, bei dem mehrere Designer im Wettbewerb um ein perfektes Design stehen, anstatt sich auf die Kreativität eines einzelnen Designers zu beschränken. Nach der Gewinnung von Traktion in den USA und der Errichtung einer 35M Serie A von Accel Partners (Unterstützer von Facebook und Dropbox) hat sich 99designs international erweitert und verfügt nun über lokale Websites, die unseren Service in 21 Ländern, 8 Sprachen und 16 Währungen anbieten. Im März 2015 startete das Unternehmen eine Serie B-Runde von den japanischen, Recruit Strategic Investors, um unseren Einstieg in den japanischen Markt voranzutreiben. Seit 2008 hat 99designs geholfen, mehr als 420.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität Design zu erschwinglichen Preisen und zahlte US125 Millionen an seine Gemeinschaft von 1.000.000 talentierte Designer in 192 Ländern. Im vergangenen Jahr hat 99designs neue Kundenwachstumsraten in den USA verdoppelt (55 von den Verkäufen) und verdreifachte neue Kundenwachstumsraten in den vorrangigen Märkten wie Großbritannien und Deutschland. 99designs ist seit seiner Gründung ein globales Unternehmen, und seine internationale Ausrichtung spiegelt sich in der Tatsache, dass 93 Prozent des Umsatzes außerhalb Australiens abgeleitet werden, und 60 Prozent der Kunden sind aus den USA. Über 99designs 99designs, der weltweit größte Logo-Design und Grafik-Design-Markt, hat dazu beigetragen, mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität Design zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und zahlte mehr als 125 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. 99designs ist ein Pionier für Design-Wettbewerbe, bei denen Unternehmen eine breite Palette von Designkonzepten erhalten und ihre Favoriten auswählen und erweitert werden, um Dienstleistungen für Kunden zur Verfügung zu stellen, um Einzelpersonen mit individuellen Designern zu bearbeiten und Designvorlagen aus dem fertigen Logospeicher zu kaufen , Oder bekommen kleine Design-Projekte innerhalb einer Stunde durch Aufgaben durchgeführt. Mit mehr als einer Million Designer aus 192 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, hilft 99designs Suite von Unternehmen Unternehmen durch große Design durch eine robuste Gemeinschaft von talentierten Grafik-Designer erstellt gelingen. Mit Hauptsitz in Oakland, Kalifornien, hat 99designs Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland und Brasilien. Survivorman TV Persönlichkeit und Musiker Les Stroud Hähne 99designs, um Logo für neue Album-Tour 8 Okt 2015 Oakland Survivormans Mutter Erde Tour-Logo aus mehr als 200 Einreichungen auf 99designs, weltgrößte Grafik-Design-Markt ausgewählt OAKLAND 8. Oktober 2015 Les Stroud, Und der Star der erfolgreichen Discovery Channel TV-Serie, Survivorman, sowie ein populärer Musiker, gab heute bekannt, dass er ein neues Logo für seine bevorstehende Albumtour, Survivormans Mother Earth ausgewählt hat, die durch den Grafikdesign-Markt 99designs stammt. Wir suchten ein dynamisches Logo, das sowohl meine Musik als auch die Umwelt in die bestehende Survivorman-Marke integrieren konnte, sagte Les Stroud, Star von Survivorman. Das endgültige Design von 99designs macht einen fantastischen Job, um den Geist der Marke und die Outdoor-, Umwelt-Thema dieses Album und kommende Tour feiert. Das preisgekrönte Design wurde von Sergei Timoshin aus Russland erstellt und wurde von Stroud aus über 200 Beiträgen von professionellen Designern und Survivorman-Fans aus vier Kontinenten auf der 99designs-Plattform ausgewählt. Stroud verengt die Auswahl auf mehrere Top-Favoriten-Designs, um die endgültige Auswahl zu treffen. Das neue Logo wird Debüt in Social Media Kanäle und Online-Eigenschaften, und ganz Sicherheiten und Marketing-Materialien Förderung der bevorstehenden Mutter Erde Tour. 99designs ist der weltweit größte Grafik-Design-Marktplatz, wo Logos, Websites und mehr auf Anfrage erstellt werden können. Hauptsitz von Oakland, Calif. 99designs hilft Unternehmer aller Größen ihre Marken zu bauen, indem sie sie mit großen Grafik-Designer in der ganzen Welt. Bei 99designs, waren leidenschaftlich zu helfen Menschen schaffen und wachsen ihre Marke und ihre Karriere. Les hat eine große persönliche Marke mit dem Survivorman-Franchise gebaut und ist ein großartiges Beispiel für jemanden, der seinen Traum verfolgt und auf seine Leidenschaft aufbaut. Wurden aufgeregt, ihm zu helfen, seine Marke zu bauen, indem er ihn unserer talentierten Gemeinschaft der Entwerfer und ihrer großen Ideen und Konzepte aussetzte. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Sergei, mit dem Gewinnkonzept zu beginnen und einen weiteren Schritt auf dem Weg zum Aufbau seines Portfolios und der Etablierung seiner Designkarriere zu machen, sagte Patrick Llewellyn, CEO von 99designs. Canadian Screen Award gewann Produzent, Schöpfer und Star der Hit TV - Serie, Survivorman (OLN Kanada, der Wissenschaftskanal USA, Discovery Channel International, City TV (Rogers) Kanada, Blue Ant Media (Kanada), Les Stroud ist der einzige Produzent in Die Geschichte des Fernsehens zu produzieren eine international ausgestrahlte Serie vollständig geschrieben, aufgezeichnet und gehostet alleine. Mit Les bekannt als die ursprüngliche Genre-Schöpfer von Survival TV, ist Survivorman eine der höchsten bewertet zeigt in der Geschichte der OLN Kanada, der Science Channel US und Discovery Channel US und bleibt die am höchsten bewertete Wiederholungs-Show auf dem Discovery Channel. Survivorman ist lizenziert für Broadcast weltweit, mit Ratings in den USA schlagen zwei Millionen auf einzelne Episoden. Wird weltweit für seine ikonischen Mundharmonika spielen, Les Songwriting-Stil läuft eine eklektische Gambit, Von Art-Folk-Roots-Rock bis zu zeitgenössischem Kunstrock, hat alle Titel-Songs für seine TV-Serie geschrieben und mehrere Independent-Filme gesammelt, zahlreiche regionale Musik-Festivals gewonnen, fünf CDs aufgenommen (eine in Zusammenarbeit mit den kanadischen Hitmachern Northern Pikes). Seine jüngste CD, Barn Sessions III Off The Grid, folgt talentierten Musikern zusammen, um ein Album und Dokumentarfilme völlig aus dem Boden leben zu schaffen. Zurzeit nimmt er sein sechstes Album auf. Stroud wird seine Tournee-Saison starten, indem er nach Muskoka im Oktober, um ein weiteres Live Barn Sessions Album aufzunehmen. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird eine Reihe von anderen namhaften Musikern wie Elmer Ferrer, Oh Susanna, Peter Cliche, Anthony Braunagel, Kelly Adams und Jeff Bird. Die Live-Aufnahme vom Boden wird direkt in eine Multi-City-Tour starten am Algonquin Theater in Huntsville, Ontario am Freitag, den 9. Oktober 2015. 99designs, der weltweit größte Logo-Design und Grafik-Design-Markt, hat mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität geholfen Design zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und zahlte mehr als 110 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. 99designs Pionier-Crowdsourcing-Design-Wettbewerbe, wo Unternehmen erhalten eine Vielzahl von Design-Konzepte und wählen ihre Favoriten, und erweitert, um Dienstleistungen für Kunden zu finden, ein Grafik-Designer für ein One-on-ein Projekt, kaufen Logo-Design-Vorlagen aus dem fertigen Logo-Shop, oder bekommen kleine Design-Projekte innerhalb einer Stunde durch Aufgaben durchgeführt. Mit mehr als einer Million Designer aus 192 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, hilft 99designs Suite von Unternehmen Unternehmen durch große Design durch eine robuste Gemeinschaft von talentierten Grafik-Designer erstellt gelingen. Mit Hauptsitz in Oakland, Kalifornien, hat 99designs Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland und Brasilien. Whose der nächste Martha Stewart 99designs Designer Community Ranks Neueste Weibliche Celeb Lifestyle Marken 30 Juni 2015 Oakland Jessica Albas Honest Co. Tops in Logo Design, Reese Witherspoons Draper James Bewertet am besten Website SAN FRANCISCO 30. Juni 2015 Zwischen Gwyneth Paltrows Goop, Blake Livelys Preserve und Jessica Albas Honest Co. das Rennen um die nächste Martha Stewart zu werden, dh eine Mega-Watt-Promi-Lifestyle-Marke war noch nie so heftig. Whats mehr, kürzlich Schauspielerin Reese Witherspoon warf ihren Hut in den Ring mit einem neuen Kleid und Online-Lifestyle-Marke namens Draper James. Alle diese wunderschönen Hollywood A-Lister bringen Star-Power und wohl cool Produkte auf den Tisch mit diesen Business-Ventures. Aber wir bei 99designs gefragt, wer die stärkste Marke basiert rein auf die Design-Qualität von Logo und Website allein Wir haben unsere globale Gemeinschaft von 99designs Designer für eine professionelle Bewertung und es sieht aus wie Jessica und Reese haben einen Vorteil gegenüber Gwyneth und Blake bei Zumindest in der Designabteilung. Hier sind die Ergebnisse unserer Abstimmung: Bestes Logo: Ehrliche Co. (Jessica Alba) Das schlimmste Logo: Draper James (Reese Witherspoon) 99designs Designer applaudierten das Honest Co. Logo für seine Einfachheit und Farbe, mit Kommentaren von netter Farbe, Symmetrie von Elemente seine einfache und effektive, um seine hellen, Spaß, aber zur gleichen Zeit das Gewicht und Styling gibt es ein Gefühl der Zuverlässigkeit und Kraft, die die Werte der Marke widerspiegelt. Auf der anderen Seite, niedrigste Platzierung Logo Draper James wurde für sein zu beschäftigt mit einer hässlichen Schrift und für das, was ein Designer namens schlechte Typografie, die zu amateurhaft und eine schwer zu entziffern Symbol aussieht dinged. Wie ein Designer bemerkte, ist das Logo alte Schule, und nicht auf eine gute Weise. Wenn es darum geht, Websites, aber die Designer gab Draper James hohe Noten für seine moderne und elegante, frische und gesunde und saubere, bunte und benutzerfreundliche Design. Celebrity Lifestyle-Unternehmen vor allem diejenigen, die an so riesigen Hollywood-Stars, da diese bereits einen Vorsprung haben, wenn es um Markenbekanntheit und Bewusstsein geht, sagte 99designs Chief Marketing Officer Pamela Webber. Aber das bedeutet nicht, sie alle haben gleichermaßen starke Marke Identität und Design, zumindest nach unseren Experten. Es macht Spaß zu sehen, was unsere Gemeinschaft zu sagen hat, und wir hoffen, in anderen Haushalt Startups wie diese in der Zukunft zu wiegen. Über 99designs 99designs, der weltweit größte Logo-Design und Grafik-Design-Markt hat dazu beigetragen, mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität Design zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und zahlte mehr als 110 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. 99designs ist ein Pionier für Design-Wettbewerbe, bei denen Unternehmen eine breite Palette von Designkonzepten erhalten und ihre Favoriten auswählen und erweitert werden, um Dienstleistungen für Kunden zur Verfügung zu stellen, um Einzelpersonen mit individuellen Designern zu bearbeiten und Designvorlagen aus dem fertigen Logospeicher zu kaufen , Oder bekommen kleine Design-Projekte innerhalb einer Stunde durch Aufgaben durchgeführt. Mit mehr als einer Million Designer aus 192 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, hilft 99designs Suite von Unternehmen Unternehmen durch große Design durch eine robuste Gemeinschaft von talentierten Grafik-Designer erstellt gelingen. 99designs hat seinen Hauptsitz in San Francisco und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland und Brasilien. Medienkontakt: Aimee Grove 1 (415) 706-1906 press99designs Umfrageergebnisse SMB Branding Perceptions Umfrage 27 Mai 2015 San Francisco Frauen-SMBs doppelt so häufig wie Männer in ein Logo zu investieren SAN FRANCISCO 27. Mai 2015 Sie haben nie eine zweite Chance Um einen ersten Eindruck zu machen, aber eine aktuelle Umfrage von US-Kleinunternehmen durch 99designs durchgeführt. Der weltweit größte Marktplatz für Grafik-Design, festgestellt, dass kleine Unternehmen weniger Zeit für Branding-Initiativen wie das Erhalten eines Logos als andere Marketing-und Sales-Aktivitäten beim Starten. Gleichzeitig sagen sechs in 10 SMBs, dass eine Firmenmarke und - website ihre eigenen Kaufentscheidungen beeinflusst haben, und mehr als drei Viertel der Befragten stimmten darin überein, dass eine professionell aussehende Website dazu beitragen wird, bessere Kunden zu gewinnen. Dies sind nur einige der interessanteren und manchmal widersprüchlichen Ergebnisse in der 99designs39 SMB Branding Perceptions Survey von 719 SMB-Besitzern und Managern in den USA Anfang dieses Monats. Ein paar andere Highlights aus der Forschung, die darauf abzielen, Gedanken über die Bedeutung von Branding und Marketing-Materialien für KMU aufzudecken, gehören: Frauen investieren mehr Zeit und Geld in immer ein Logo und eine Unternehmensmarke als Männer, wenn sie ein Unternehmen gründen, und mehr Frauen Als Männer glauben, dass eine professionell aussehende Website eine Priorität ist. Mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten zugeben, sie haben möglicherweise oder definitiv verloren Geschäft aufgrund einer schlecht gestalteten Website. Immobilien und Transport / Lieferung SMBs sind höchstwahrscheinlich zu sagen, ein Unternehmen Look and Feel ist nicht wichtig. Je älter die Befragten, desto weniger Wert legen sie auf das Aussehen und das Gefühl ihres Unternehmens. Trotz der Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern und Branchen, die meisten Befragten glaubten an die Macht der Branding vor allem eine professionell aussehende Website zu fahren und zu unterstützen Unternehmen. Mehr als drei Viertel der Befragten (76) stimmten darin überein, dass ein professionell aussehender Standort mir helfen wird, einen besseren Kunden zu gewinnen. Zwei Drittel der Befragten (63) sind einverstanden mit der Aussage, wie positiv meine Kunden meine Marke wahrnehmen. Being denkwürdige an zweiter Stelle bei 54 der Befragten nur auf die Bereitstellung der besten Kundendienst als oberste Priorität bei der Erhaltung einer langfristigen, tragfähige Geschäft. In den vergangenen sieben Jahren hat 99designs dazu beigetragen, Hunderttausende von kleinen Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt starten und ihre Marken zu wachsen, so sind wir offensichtlich riesige Anhänger an der Macht der großen Design und professionell aussehende Marketing-Materialien zu vertreiben und zu gewinnen Kunden, sagte 99designs Leiter Marketingoffizier Pamela Webber. Angesichts unseres schnellen Wachstums, ist es interessant, einige Leute zu sehen, die noch weniger Priorität auf erste Branding-Aktivitäten setzen und lernen, wie die Wahrnehmungen je nach Alter, Geschlecht und Industrie variieren. Für weitere Informationen über die Umfrage Methodik oder eine Kopie der vollständigen Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse der 99designs SMB Branding Perceptions Survey, klicken Sie bitte hier oder E-Mail press99designs. Über 99designs 99designs, der weltweit größte Logo-Design und Grafik-Design-Markt hat dazu beigetragen, mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität Design zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und zahlte mehr als 110 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. 99designs ist ein Pionier für Design-Wettbewerbe, bei denen Unternehmen eine breite Palette von Designkonzepten erhalten und ihre Favoriten auswählen und erweitert werden, um Dienstleistungen für Kunden zur Verfügung zu stellen, um Einzelpersonen mit individuellen Designern zu bearbeiten und Designvorlagen aus dem fertigen Logospeicher zu kaufen , Oder bekommen kleine Design-Projekte innerhalb einer Stunde durch Aufgaben durchgeführt. Mit mehr als einer Million Designer aus 192 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, hilft 99designs Suite von Unternehmen Unternehmen durch große Design durch eine robuste Gemeinschaft von talentierten Grafik-Designer erstellt gelingen. 99designs hat seinen Hauptsitz in San Francisco und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland und Brasilien. 99designs kündigt 10M Strategic Series B-Runde Angeführt von Japan-basierten Marktplatz Giant, Recruit Holdings, Öffnungs-Tür nach Asien Expansion 15. April 2015 in San Francisco Der Weltmarktführer in Logo-Design auch Accel-Venture-Partner Rob Solomon zu 99designs Vorstand SAN FRANCISCO April fügt 15 , 2015 99designs. Der weltweit größte Marktplatz für Grafik-Design, gab heute bekannt, es hat 10 Millionen in einer strategischen Serie B Runde der Finanzierung von Recruit Strategic Partners, der Silicon Valley gegründete Venture Capital Arm der Japans Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd geführt Accel der führende Investor für 99designs Serie A im Jahr 2011 hat auch reinvestiert und fügte Partner Rob Solomon an den Vorstand. Nach Angaben von CEO Patrick Llewellyn, CEO von 99designs, ist die Recruit-Beteiligung ein strategischer Schritt zur Unterstützung der internationalen Expansion, vor allem in Japan und anderen Teilen Asiens, wo Recruit eine dominierende Kraft in Informationsdiensten und marktgerechten Dienstleistungen ist. Neben der Beschleunigung des weltweiten Wachstums eröffnet die Partnerschaft mit Recruit auch die Tür zu einem breiteren Firmenkundenstamm für Designleistungen. Wir wussten, dass wir den richtigen Partner brauchen, um Japan zu betreten und unsere Präsenz im breiteren Asienmarkt auszubauen, erklärte Llewellyn. Recruit glaubt, Crowdsourcing und Marktplätze sind ein wichtiger Teil der Zukunft der Arbeit und in der Befähigung der Menschen, ihre Träume zu folgen und Gelegenheit zu finden. Dies ist etwas, was wir seit 2008 erfolgreich für Designer und kleine Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt gemacht haben, so dass die Passform mit unserem Geschäft perfekt ist. Recruit Strategic Partners (RSP) ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Rekrut, einem in Japan ansässigen Holdinggesellschaft, die als eine der ersten Arbeitsmarkt gestartet und hat sich zu den weltweit größten Matching-Plattform für Branchen wie Humanressourcen, Reisen, Immobilien, Braut entwickelt Mitgliedes und nicht die von TripAdvisor LLC. Investitionen in 99designs passt in mit Recruits Ziel der immer die Nummer Eins-Unternehmen in globalen Matching über mehrere Sektoren, sagte Recruit Strategic Partners President amp Geschäftsführer Akihiko Okamoto. Sie haben dazu beigetragen, mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen starten und wachsen und zahlten mehr als 110 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. Mit dieser Investition können wir ihnen helfen, ihre globale Design-Plattform in Asien und darüber hinaus zu fördern. Accels Teilnahme an dieser Runde spiegelt die Unternehmen starken Glauben an 99designs strategischen Wachstumsentscheidungen. Der Zusatz des Accel Venture-Partners Rob Solomon zum Board of Directors ist auch Teil der kontinuierlichen Bemühungen des Unternehmens, eine starke globale Marke für das Internet zu schaffen. Zuletzt war er als President und COO bei Groupon tätig, wo er über die Hyperwachstumsphase des Unternehmens tätig war und damit zu einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen weltweit wurde. Seit Accel Partners anfängliche Investition in 99designs vor vier Jahren, Ive beobachtete das Unternehmen in neue Märkte expandieren und entwickeln sich von einem Pionier in Wettbewerb-basierte Logo-Design in eine blühende Marktplatz für Designer und KMU zu verbinden, sagte Solomon. Als Vorstandsmitglied bin ich aufgeregt, um ihnen zu helfen, die folgende Phase in ihrem Wachstum zu erreichen. Über Recruit Holdings Gegründet im Jahr 1960, Recruit Holdings ist ein führendes Informations-und Human Resources-Unternehmen in Japan. Durch eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen, bietet Recruit neue Entdeckungen und Möglichkeiten für Nutzer mit Informationen in Bereichen wie Beschäftigung, Bildung, Wohnung, Ehe, Reisen, Restaurants, Schönheit, Autos, Hobbys und Lebensstile. Recruit beschäftigt mehr als 30.000 Mitarbeiter und ist in Asien und Nordamerika tätig. Rekrutieren Sie strategische Partner. eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von Recruit in Japan, ist ein Silicon Valley ansässigen Venture-Capital-Unternehmen investiert in innovative Unternehmen aus allen Teilen der US-IT-Industrie Wissen und Know-how für unsere Unternehmer bietet und ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Recruit39s globalen Investment-Geschäft. Recruit Strategic Partners co-investiert mit führenden Venture-Capital-Firmen in der US-.. Über Accel Partners wurde 1983 gegründet und mit Sitz in Palo Alto, Kalifornien, Accel eine lange Geschichte der Partnerschaft mit hervorragenden Unternehmern und Management-Teams hat Weltklasse-Unternehmen aufzubauen. Accel hat dazu beigetragen, Unternehmer bauen mehr als 300 erfolgreiche Technologie-Unternehmen, von denen viele ihre Kategorien definiert haben, einschließlich AdMob, AirWatch, Atlassian, Braintree, Campaign Monitor, Cloudera, Couchbase, Dropbox, Etsy, Facebook, Fusion-IO, Groupon, Hootsuite, Kayak, Lookout, MoPub, Nimble Storage, Opower, OzForex, QlikTech, Qualtrics, Real Networks, Riverbed, Rovio, SeatGeek, Spotify, Squarespace, SuperCell-, Trulia und VSCO. 99designs. Das weltweit größte Logo-Design und Grafik-Design-Markt, hat dazu beigetragen, mehr als 350.000 Unternehmen Zugang Qualität Design zu einem erschwinglichen Preis und zahlte mehr als 110 Millionen an Designer auf der ganzen Welt. 99designs hat eine breite Palette von Design-Konzepten erhalten und erweitert, um den Kunden die Möglichkeit zu bieten, 1-zu-1 mit individuellen Designern zu arbeiten und Designvorlagen aus dem fertigen Logospeicher zu kaufen . Oder bekommen kleine Design-Projekte innerhalb einer Stunde durch Aufgaben durchgeführt. Mit mehr als 950.000 Designern aus 192 Ländern rund um die Welt, 99designs Suite von Dienstleistungen hilft Unternehmen durch große Design durch eine robuste Gemeinschaft von talentierten Grafik-Designer erstellt gelingen. 99designs hat seinen Hauptsitz in San Francisco und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Australien, Deutschland und Brasilien. 99designs, der globale Führer im Logo-Entwurf, Umzugsunternehmens-Hauptquartier nach Oaklands Uptown Nachbarschaft 24 März 2015 San Francisco Entwurfsdienstleistungsmarkt ist neueste und größte Technologiefirma, um über die Bucht San Francisco, CA (25. März, totimestamp (2015)) - 99designs zu bewegen , Der größte globale Marktplatz für Grafikdesign, gab heute die Pläne bekannt, seine Firmenzentrale von San Francisco nach Oakland im Frühjahr 2015 zu verlagern. Mit Sitz in San Francisco in den vergangenen fünf Jahren wird 99designs in das historische Breuners-Gebäude am 2201 Broadway umziehen Uptown District of Oakland, um die Unternehmen beschleunigen das Wachstum unterzubringen. 99designs 14.000 Quadratmeter Büro wird komplett custom-renovated auf der obersten Etage des Gebäudes, das einst Breuners Flaggschiff Möbelhaus war. Already home to other tech startups, the historic art-deco building features a penthouse roof deck, an ideal outdoor space for meetings. The move is expected to be completed in May 2015. The decision to move to Oakland was inspired by several factors, including our desire to be part of the citys flourishing art, design and tech community. We think Oakland is a perfect location for us to access all the talent that resides in the broader East Bay area as we continue to recruit a broad range of talent to grow out our team, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. We love the Uptown neighborhood in particular because of its proximity to public transportation and the variety of food, fitness and entertainment experiences. We think our employees will quickly become part of the fabric of the neighborhood. quotOakland39s local economy and its businesses have long benefitted from encouraging innovation, creativity and growth of companies in a variety of areas. Most recently this has included the design and technology sectors, quot said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. quotWe39re excited that 99designs is attracted to Oakland and recognizes the unique advantages of doing business here. I39m sure they will enhance our business environment - building community and the bottom line. quot 99designs has signed a five-year lease for 14,161 square-feet at 2201 Broadway with an option to assume the entire floor as space becomes available, giving it up to 26,000 square-feet of space on a single floor. The building is owned and managed by Metrovation. 99designs was represented by Jon Dishotsky of Custom Spaces and Mike Keely of CBRE and Metrovation was represented by Trent Holsman of Colliers International. Chris Curtis of Metrovation said, We are very excited to be working with 99designs to create a truly unique tech space on the top floor of our historic building for their new headquarters. We are very pleased to welcome them to our building and to Oaklands Uptown. Deborah Boyer, president, Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association said, quotIm delighted to welcome 99designs and its employees to the Uptown District, one of the best live/work/play neighborhoods in the Bay Area. The vibrancy of our eclectic Uptown community is continually enhanced by creative companies like 99designs drawn to locate here. quot 99designs, the worlds largest logo and graphic design marketplace, has helped over 380,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowd-sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than 990,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners. 99designs, Global Leader in Logo Design, Expands into Websites via Partnership with Jimdo 16 Mar 2015 San Francisco New offering helps businesses launch and grow San Francisco March 17, 2015 99designs. the largest global marketplace for graphic design, and Jimdo. one of the leading website builders, today announced a strategic partnership to provide small business owners with logo design. website creation and hosting seamlessly on the 99designs website. By bringing the services together it will be easier, faster and more affordable for clients across the globe to launch their businesses and begin offering products and services quickly. quotWe think great brands start with a great logo and 99designs has successfully created hundreds of thousands of logos for businesses and entrepreneurs globally, quot said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. quotAs weve grown and evolved, so have our customers needs. Now, with the addition of Jimdo, businesses can extend the essence of the brand captured in their logo to their hosted website. quot The deep integration between 99designs and Jimdo makes it even easier for entrepreneurs around the world to launch a business without having to spend time locating, interviewing and hiring designers and developers for logo and website creation. Instead, an owner can focus energy and time on other important business initiatives. 99designs delivers a professionally designed logo and ready-to-use, mobile-friendly, easy-to-edit Jimdo website for as little as 499. A custom logo design and matching website is live in as quickly as fourteen days. The package includes hosting for a year. quotThis package also allows businesses to manage and edit their website even after the logo design contest is over, without requiring any special skills, quot said Jimdo co - founder Christian Springub. quot quotBusinesses need a strong brand and a strong website presence to succeed and this new partnership will provide that quickly, easily and affordably. Jimdo and 99designs were both founded to help small businesses create and grow, and this logo and website package is only the beginning. quot How it works in four easy steps Customers visit 99designs and launch a LogoWebsite contest. Customers complete a creative brief by answering a few questions about their business and preferred design style. Design concepts stream in at which time the customer can collaborate and provide feedback to refine their favorite. The customer selects a final logo design and the designer delivers a hosted Jimdo website that is easy to edit without requiring any technical skill. Whats included for 499. Logo Design Hosted website styled by designer to match the logo Custom domain name One year of free hosting 99designs, the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 350,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowd - sourced design contests, where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store, or get small design projects done within an hour through Tasks. With more than 950,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners. Jimdo is the easiest way to create a website on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. With a simple intuitive interface, Jimdo enables anyone to create a customized online presence with a blog and online store. Founded in Germany in 2007 by Christian Springub, Fridtjof Detzner, and Matthias Henze, the company set a new standard in website creation. Profitable since 2009 without venture capital, Jimdo has a passionate team of 200 people in Hamburg, San Francisco, and Tokyo. Jimdo is available in 9 languages and has helped people build over 12 million websites. For more on Jimdo visit: jimdo 99designs Surges to Record Growth 23 Sep 2014 San Francisco San Francisco September 24, 2014 99designs. the worlds largest marketplace for graphic design, today announced that it has reached a new milestone the company has paid out 80 million to its community of graphic designers and is on track to hit 160 million by the end of 2015. Fueling this activity is the companys aggressive global and product line expansion. 99designs now offers design services in nine languages and connects clients and designers from 196 countries. Boasting a commanding lead as the largest design community in the world, the platform supports 850,000 designers and expects to reach one million early next year. During the last two years weve been thrilled to see our investment in international markets pay off with some terrific growth, said Patrick Llewellyn, CEO of 99designs. These numbers strengthen our desire to continue delivering the best solutions for businesses of all sizes and unmatched opportunities for designers. Llewellyn notes that Germany is a great example of a market that has performed well since localization - with over 80 average annual growth since localizing two years ago. And were equally happy to note that our 1-to-1 Projects product, an extension of our service making it easy for businesses to work directly with their favorite designers, has seen 148 average annual growth over that same timeframe. 99designs continues to see substantial growth in the types of businesses it services, including agencies and enterprises, and has extended its reach to professionals in the real estate, medical, and technology verticals. And, its design community is showing its breadth of skill by excelling in fast growing categories, such as website, mobile app, and t-shirt design. 99designs has been right there with us from the beginning, from designing our very first logo which was featured when we pitched our business on ABCs Shark Tank, to recently redesigning our entire company website, said Stephan Aarstol, Founder of Tower Paddle Boards. Weve already seen a big boost in conversion rates on our website. As our business keeps growing, we are confident in 99designs to meet any of our design needs, big and small. 99designs has also grown its internal workforce through several strategic executive hires in 2014, including Chief Marketing Officer Pamela Webber, who heads up the global marketing team and David Kaplan, who joins as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary. The company now employs more than 100 people in its offices in San Francisco, Melbourne, Berlin and Rio de Janeiro. About 99designs 99designs. the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 225,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowdsourced design contests. where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store. or get small tasks done within an hour through Swiftly. With more than 310,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners. Eventbrite and 99designs Team Up to Offer Graphic Design Support to Event Organizers 3 Aug 2014 San Francisco San Francisco August 4, 2014 Eventbrite. the global self-service ticketing platform and events marketplace, and 99designs. the worlds largest marketplace for graphic design, today announced an integration that seamlessly connects event organizers to graphic designers, so they can source professional and unique banner designs for their event pages. Through 99designs service Swiftly, Eventbrite event organizers can get small design jobs done quickly and effortlessly. Once an event organizer has created an event page on Eventbrite, they can visit swiftly/eventbrite. provide a description of the banner design they want, and a designer will be assigned to create the design within one hour, for 19. The new event page artwork can then be automatically uploaded to their event page. Eye-catching graphic design can attract people to your event page, but it can be hard to know where to turn for artistic help, said Head of Platform Partnerships at Eventbrite, Dylan Serota. Through our integration with 99designs, Eventbrite event organizers can tap into the well of talented Swiftly designers to help them create a striking event page. By partnering, Eventbrite and 99designs have simplified the marketing process for event organizers by eliminating the need to search for a designer, provide design specs, download the file created, and then upload it to the event page. Everything is handled behind the scenes event organizers only need to submit their requests and then select the design they like. We are thrilled to extend our services and share our talented designer community with Eventbrite event organizers. Enabling organizers to get custom-designed event banners through our Swiftly service is the perfect solution for people seeking to stand out from the crowd and make their event a success, said Patrick Llewellyn, President and CEO of 99designs. The service is available today. For more information, visit the Eventbrite app page or swiftly/eventbrite. About 99designs 99designs. the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, has helped over 225,000 businesses access quality design at an affordable price. 99designs pioneered crowdsourced design contests. where businesses receive a wide variety of design concepts and choose their favorite, and expanded to provide services for customers to work 1-on-1 with individual designers, purchase design templates from the ready-made logo store. or get small tasks done within an hour through Swiftly. With more than 310,000 designers from 192 countries around the world, 99designs suite of services helps businesses succeed through great design created by a robust community of talented graphic designers. 99designs is backed by Accel Partners. About Eventbrite Eventbrite enables people all over the world to plan, promote, and sell out any event, and has sold over 200 million tickets and registrations worldwide. In 2013 alone, the company processed 1 billion in gross ticket sales for attendees in 190 countries. The online event ticketing service makes it easy for everyone to discover events, and to share the events they are attending with the people they know. In this way, Eventbrite brings communities together by encouraging people to connect through live experiences. Eventbrites investors include Tiger Global, Sequoia Capital, T. Rowe Price, DAG Ventures, and Tenaya Capital. Learn more at eventbrite. 99designs. ie launches to provide Irish businesses and designers with enhanced access to the worlds largest graphic design marketplace 6 Nov 2013 San Francisco San Francisco November 7, 2013 99designs. the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, today launched an Irish version of its website at 99designs. ie. The new site will offer local support to customers and designers in the region, enabling them to connect and work together on design projects. On a global level, 99designs connects businesses looking for design work with more than 250,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching a design contest to the community, working via 1-to-1 projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. Ireland is already a solid market for 99designs and we expect to extend our reach significantly in the months ahead, said Eva Missling, General Manager of Europe for 99designs. The regions startup scene is among the fastest growing in Europe and, coupled with recent government incentives geared toward getting more small businesses online, there is a tremendous demand for affordable quality design work. Were excited to help meet it, and to help businesses in Ireland thrive. Irish designer and member of the 99designs community, Des Herrity, said: Financially Ive benefitted from being part of the 99designs network, but it also helped me improve as a designer and provided me with excellent design-related resources. I have participated in contests and Ive also worked on follow-on projects as a result of connections made through these. European customers currently account for more than 15 percent of design contests on 99designs and globally 99designs has hosted more than 260,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide, since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out more than 44 million to its global community of graphic designers. Earlier this month, 99designs launched Swiftly. a first-of-its-kind, flat-fee service for small design tasks. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 250,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working via 1-to-1 Projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. 99designs also runs Swiftly. a new site and service that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. 99designs was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Completes Second Acquisition with Purchase of Leading Brazilian Design Marketplace and launches 99designs. br 26 Aug 2013 San Francisco/So Paulo SAN FRANCISCO and SO PAULO August 27, 2013 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has acquired LogoChef. one of Brazils leading design marketplaces. 99designs has also launched a Portuguese version of its site at 99designs. br, and will now offer Portuguese-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers throughout the country. On the back of our successful launch last week of Swiftly. which significantly broadens our design product offering, were excited to be taking the next step in our globalization strategy with the acquisition of LogoChef, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. With small businesses and startups driving 99 percent of Brazils economy, we have an extraordinary opportunity to connect a new group of our core customers with designers there and around the world. Llewellyn is in So Paulo this week to deliver a keynote address at The Next Web Conference Latin America. LogoChef is 99designs second acquisition in August 2012, 99designs acquired Berlin-based European design marketplace 12Designer. The acquisition and new site are part of 99designs expansion strategy in Latin America, which kicked off in March 2013 with the launch of Spanish-language versions of 99designs in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Chile. LogoChef co-founder Dan Strougo has been named 99designs Country Manager for Brazil, and will oversee the companys efforts from its Rio de Janeiro office. We couldnt be happier to welcome Dan and the LogoChef community to 99designs. Dans experience in our industry, gleaned not only through building a successful marketplace but also as a long-time graphic designer himself, makes him a perfect fit for growing our Brazilian business, added Llewellyn. Were very pleased with the strong momentum weve seen in Europe since acquiring 12Designer last year and localizing in five local languages. We have high expectations that with Dan at the helm in Brazil well also see rapid adoption of our services there. Ive always admired 99designs and held it as a benchmark for LogoChef, said Strougo. Joining forces offers LogoChef designers and customers a wide range of new benefits and opportunities. Customers now have access to 99designs extensive global designer community, including a strong group of designers here in Brazil, and designers have the opportunity to work with tens of thousands of additional potential clients. In conjunction with the introduction of 99designs. br, 99designs has partnered with Startup Circuit Brazil to provide special promotions for its members. Startup Circuit organizes dozens of networking events annually in cities across Brazil to bring together entrepreneurs, startups, investors and accelerators. 99designs has hosted more than 235,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out more than 60 million to its global community of more than 245,000 graphic designers. Earlier this month 99designs launched Swiftly. a first-of-its-kind, flat-fee service for small design tasks. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 240,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working via 1-to-1 Projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. 99designs also runs Swiftly. a new site and service that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. 99designs was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs breaks new ground with the launch of Swiftly to meet demand for fast graphic design fixes 12 Aug 2013 San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO August 13, 2013 Online graphic design marketplace 99designs. which has paid out more than 60 million to its global design community since 2008, today announced the launch of Swiftly. a first-of-its-kind service for small design tasks. Swiftly enables customers to get existing graphic design files altered by professional graphic designers within hours. Swiftly is part of 99designs broader plan to change the paradigm for how businesses worldwide get graphic design work done and how designers earn money, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. 99designs contests have connected more than 230,000 customers with our extensive community of skilled designers. Now, with Swiftly, were introducing an entirely different model for businesses to get smaller design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. Swiftlys launch underscores our determination to provide a full spectrum of graphic design solutions for customers and more opportunities for designers. Typical uses of Swiftly include altering logos, business cards, banner ads, marketing templates and icons retouching, cropping and resizing photos and vectorizing images. The process is fast and easy: customers simply upload design files, indicate the modifications required, and pay a flat 15 fee. A member of the Swiftly designer community claims the task, completes it, and delivers it to the customer within a few hours. After the customer reviews and approves the task, Swiftly facilitates handover of the design files to the customer and issues payment to the designer. Swiftly designers are a curated group from 99designs community of more than 240,000 graphic designers in 192 countries. 99designs staff hand-selected these designers based on their design skill and hours of availability to ensure rapid turnaround 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Swiftly grew out of our awareness that many people dont know where to turn for a quick graphic design project, either because they dont employ in-house designers or their designers are tied up with more substantial projects, said 99designs Chief Technology Officer Lachlan Donald, who led the team that developed Swiftly. Its exciting to have the opportunity to develop a totally new service that fulfills a real need for customers and gives freelance designers another way to make money. Its a win-win for everyone. About Swiftly Swiftly is a new site and service from 99designs that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. Customers simply upload a design file they need altered to Swiftly, pay a 15 fee, and get their completed project back in 24 hours or less. Each project is completed by an experienced member of Swiftlys design community. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 240,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working via 1-to-1 Projects with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. 99designs also runs Swiftly, the new design task service that helps customers get small design tasks done quickly and effortlessly. 99designs was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Pushes Hard Into Asia with Launch of New Singapore Site, Regional Design Community Tour and Hiring of Local Staff 3 Jun 2013 San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO June 4, 2013 99designs. the worlds largest graphic design marketplace, today announced it is accelerating its expansion in Asia with the launch of a new site for the Singapore market, an extensive tour of its large and active designer communities in Indonesia and the Philippines, and the hiring of regional design consultants to better serve the needs of customers throughout Asia. Word-of-mouth adoption of 99designs design contest model in Asia has been amazing since we launched 99designs five years ago, and we are now ready to more formally invest in accelerating our growth there, said Patrick Llewellynn. president and CEO of 99designs. Our customer bases in regional startup hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong have grown at a remarkable pace, and some of our largest and most successful design communities are in Indonesia and the Philippines. Launch of 99designs. sg Jason Sew Hoy, Chief Operating Officer and Asia-Pacific General Manager of 99designs, is in Singapore this week to celebrate the launch of 99designs. sg with local customers and designers, as well as to speak at CrowdsourcingWeek. Echelon and Startup Grind Singapore. The new site enables Singapore customers to purchase design work on 99designs using local currency and access support through a local phone number. Singapore is one of 99designs top markets, with one of its highest sales per capita. 99designs. sg is 99designs second country site in Asia last year the company launched a successful local-currency site for the Hong Kong market at 99designs. hk. Design Community Tour 99designs Community Director Jason Aiken and a team of designer community liaisons have begun a two-week tour of Indonesia and the Philippines, where they will host numerous design events reaching thousands of designers, including a full-day National Conference for Indonesian designers in Yogyakarta on June 7. Indonesia and the Philippines are among 99designs top designer markets, with thousands of designers in those regions earning a living by winning design contests on 99designs and carrying out follow-on work for clients they meet on the site. 99designs has paid out more than 10 million USD to graphic designers in Indonesia and the Philippines alone since its launch in 2008 more than any other design marketplace has paid out to their entire global design community. In total, 99designs has paid out 54 million USD to its designer community of more than 225,000 designers from 192 countries. The request for 99designs to visit Indonesia and the Philippines came directly from our designers, dozens of whom have worked with us to plan a full calendar of events, said Aiken. Our designers in these countries are incredibly proactive, and have already organized many meetups on their own to form social and professional networks. We couldnt be more excited and delighted to meet them in person to provide support and education. Hiring of Regional Staff To help support its rapid growth in the region, 99designs has hired a staff of three design consultants based in The Philippines. These support staff will help ensure 24/7 customer support for the Asia-Pacific markets and will be available to help customers write design briefs and facilitate their contests. Were working closely with our new staff in the Philippines and will continually evaluate the need for additional staff in other countries, said Sew Hoy. Weve learned a lot about how best to approach internationalization over the past year in the course of launching nine new sites across Europe and Latin America, and were looking forward to applying those learnings as we focus on building our presence throughout the Asia-Pacific region. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 220,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Expands to the Netherlands with a Dutch-Language Version of its World-Class Graphic Design Marketplace 24 Apr 2013 San Francisco/Amsterdam 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today introduced a Dutch version of its site at 99designs. nl and will now offer Dutch-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers. 99designs has loved the Netherlands since our first Dutch customer launched a design contest the week we opened for business five years ago. Today, the Netherlands is among 99designs top ten markets thanks to the many startups and small businesses across the region who use our design marketplace to brand their companies, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. who announced the launch of 99designs. nl today during a talk at The Next Webs Conference Europe 2013 in Amsterdam. As the Dutch startup scene accelerates, were looking forward to helping even more entrepreneurs there source great graphic design work by connecting them with the talented designers in our community. In conjunction with the launch, 99designs announced a partnership with Rockstart Accelerator. the Netherlands leading startup incubator, to provide customized design upgrades to the hundreds of innovative companies in their network. Founded in 2011, Rockstart Accelerator provides seed investment, six months of office space, mentors, and coaching by entrepreneurs-in residence to help promising startups launch and succeed. 99designs is already a trusted design resource for Dutch startups needing affordable logos and other collateral, and launching a localized version of the site will help even more entrepreneurs make their dreams a reality, said Rockstart Founder Oscar Kneppers. Through our partnership with 99designs, Rockstart participants now have a key tool for building their brands quickly and efficiently. Boom To celebrate the launch and the April 30th inauguration of Crown Prince Willem-Alexander to the Dutch throne, 99designs is inviting graphic designers in the Netherlands and around the world to enter 99designs Design a Business Card Fit for the King community contest. The winning designer will receive a 500 cash prize and be featured in 99designs blog and across its social media channels. 99designs has hosted more than 200,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out 40 million to its global community of more than 220,000 graphic designers. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 220,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers. or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. Media contact (The Netherlands): Remco Janssen, Proudly Presents PR T: 31(0)614787713 remcoremcojanssen 99designs Launches in Latin America to Provide Native-Language Access to its World-Class Graphic Design Marketplace 10 Mar 2013 San Francisco 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today launched localized Spanish-language versions of its service in Mexico. Argentina. Chile and Colombia. The company has appointed a Regional Manager for Latin America to manage the new sites, and will now offer Spanish-language support and local currency capability to customers and designers. The establishment of new government initiatives to fuel business innovation and a significant increase in venture capital investments in Latin America over the past several years has set the stage for tremendous expansion in the regions startup and small business sectors, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. Were excited to help Latin Americas entrepreneurs source quality, affordable graphic design by connecting them with thousands of talented designers from their own countries and around the world. 99designs has named Angela Pena its Regional Manager for Latin America. Pena will be responsible for overseeing 99designs expansion throughout the region, including managing 99designs Latin American design community, leading marketing efforts, and building strategic local partnerships with startups, design groups and other organizations. Pena previously worked as Country Manager for Latin America and Spain at Talenthouse, an online marketplace connecting artists across a range of disciplines with celebrities and major brands. Having worked for several years with an amazing and diverse range of graphic designers in Latin America, I am eager to connect those designers with 99designs large and fast-growing pool of global clientele, said Pena. Our new Spanish-language sites will help designers and clients in Latin American work more efficiently on 99designs and develop longer-term collaborative working relationships with each other. In conjunction with the launch of its Latin American sites, 99designs also debuted a localized version of its site in Spain and a site for Spanish speakers in the United States. 99designs Spanish-language expansion comes fast on the heels of the marketplaces introduction of localized versions of its service in Germany, France and Italy in the preceding six months. To celebrate the launch of its Spanish-language sites and the strength of its Spanish-speaking designers, 99designs is sponsoring a 99designs Habla Espanol t-shirt design contest. Designers are invited to create original t-shirts designs incorporating the phrase 99designs Habla Espanol and will award up to five winners, each of whom will receive 500 and be featured across 99designs blog and social media channels. 99designs has hosted 200,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations worldwide since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out 50 million to its community of more than 210,000 graphic designers. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 210,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers. or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Targets Agencies with Launch of Pro Tools Suite 19 Feb 2013 San Francisco 99designs. the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, today announced the launch of Pro Tools. a new suite of services designed specifically to meet the needs of marketing agencies, web development agencies, and other businesses that frequently use freelance designers to source custom graphic design. Weve been really excited by the adoption of 99designs marketplace model by agencies and larger companies. In the course of working with tens of thousands of these customers, it became increasingly apparent that we needed to develop tools specifically tailored to meet their demands, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. We look forward to working closely with our Pro Tools customers in coming months to further expand and refine the offering. The Pro Tools suite provides 99designs agency and other high-usage business customers with more streamlined talent sourcing and management enhanced collaboration and feedback and augmented privacy and security. Specific features of the Pro Tools suite include: Invite-Only Contests streamline talent sourcing and management by enabling contest holders to choose and invite which designers may participate in their contests. White-Label Presentations helps 99designs customers share design options and solicit feedback with clients and internal teams privately, efficiently and effectively. Private Contests keep design drafts not ready for public viewing hidden from the search engines and the general public. Only members of the 99designs community can see the contests and must agree to an NDA to view the details. Blind Contests let customers who want even more privacy for their contest hide design entries from view by other designers in the contest. Custom NDAs enable customers with unique privacy requirements not covered in 99designs standard NDA to upload their own custom NDA that designers must agree to before they can view the contest. 99designs developed the Pro Tools suite based on interviews with hundreds of 99designs agency and other high-usage business customers that regularly source custom graphic design from 99designs. Approximately 13 percent of 99designs current customers are agencies working across a variety of disciplines ranging from marketing and public relations to web design and development. We were an early adopter of 99designs and have been successfully using the service for years to develop custom creative for a diverse set of clients, said Zack Bujazia, Incredible Creative Officer at Incredible Marketing. a B2B marketing agency with offices in the United States and Australia. The new Pro Tools suite will help us work more efficiently by simplifying feedback loops with our clients and empowering us to easily work with our favorite talent in the 99designs community. Customers can purchase the Pro Tools suite for 199 when they launch any contest on 99designs. For the next month, 99designs is offering Pro Tools for an introductory rate of 99. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 200,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers. or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Parla Italiano Worlds Largest Graphic Design Marketplace Launches 99designs. it as Italian Startup Scene Booms 14 Jan 2013 San Francisco/Milan 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today launched a localized Italian-language version of its site at 99designs. it. The company has appointed a Country Manager to manage the new Italian site and will now offer Italian-language support to customers and designers in the region. With Italys startup scene really taking off in recent months, it seemed the ideal time to give Italian entrepreneurs a native-language version of 99designs to help brand their companies and get to market quickly, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. As one of the most design-centric countries in the world, Italy has been an important part of 99designs European success to date. We already have a strong customer and designer base there and look forward to significant growth in 2013 and beyond. 99designs has named Giulia Depentor its Italian Country Manager. Depentor joined 99designs in August 2012 with its acquisition of Berlin-based 12designer, where she managed the companys Italian-language services. In her new role Depentor will be responsible for overseeing 99designs expansion in Italy, from leading marketing and community management efforts to building strategic local partnerships with startups and other organizations. The launch of 99designs. it marks 99designs third new foreign-language offering in less than five months and the continuation of the companys broad European expansion plans. In September 99designs launched 99designs. de for German speaking customers and designers, and in November introduced 99designs. fr for the French market. The rapid adoption of 99designs in Germany and France following our introduction of localized sites in these countries is a clear indication that offering regionally tailored platforms and support is critical, said Eva Missling. 99designs General Manager of Europe and founder of 12designer. Giulias passion, experience, and knowledge of the local language, culture and startup community make her the ideal candidate to lead our expansion efforts in Italy. To celebrate the launch of 99designs. it. 99designs and Italian entrepreneur platform Startupbusiness are inviting startups based in Italy to participate in 99designs Loves Italian Startups. Nine startups will be selected to receive a free design contest (valued at up to 479 ), and will be featured on 99designs. it and Startupbusiness. it. Complete details and the application form can be found at 99designs/customer-blog/99designs-launches-italian-site-at-99designs-it/. Since its founding in 2008, 99designs has hosted more than 185,000 graphic design contests for startups, small businesses and other organizations around the world. In the same period, the company has paid out more than 45 million to its community of 200,000 graphic designers from around the world. European customers currently account for more than 15 percent of design contests on 99designs. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 200,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers. or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Launches Localized French-Language Site at 99designs. fr 27 Nov 2012 San Francisco/Paris 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has launched a localized French-language version of its site at 99designs. fr. In addition, the company has hired a Country Manager for France in Paris and will now offer French-language support to its customers in the region. The moves signify important next steps in 99designs European growth initiatives following its August acquisition of multilingual European creative design marketplace 12designer and September launch of 99designs. de. the companys first non-English language site. As one of the cornerstone economies of the European Union, France is already an important market for 99designs. One of our key strategic goals this year has been to introduce a French-language site, on-the-ground local leadership and support for the French market, said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. Were very excited this is now a reality. Under the capable leadership of our new country manager in Paris, Siham Belouadheh, we are well positioned to learn, adapt and aggressively grow our services in France. Belouadheh joins 99designs with experience in public relations, business development and marketing management most recently she led marketing and business development activities for Kaplan in France and Belgium. As country manager for France, she will oversee 99designs French expansion from Paris and be tasked with growing awareness and adoption of the design marketplace among French designers, business owners, and local technology entrepreneurs and startup communities. France is a critical part of our early European success. Were pleased to welcome Siham to the team and expect that her leadership and our new service offerings will accelerate our expansion there and in other French-speaking regions of Europe, said Eva Missling. 99designs General Manager of Europe and founder of 12designer, with whom Belouadheh will work closely. The launch of 99designs. fr will allow French customers to run contests more efficiently and effectively, and will encourage more skilled French graphic designers to participate on our platform. 99designs has hosted more than 175,000 graphic design contests for small businesses, startups and other organizations around the world since its founding in 2008. In the same period, the company has paid out more than 43 million to its community of 190,000 graphic designers from around the world. European customers currently account for more than 15 percent of design contests on 99designs. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 190,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers. or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade logo store. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs . Media contact (France): Jean-Franois Kitten, Licence K 33(0)1 45 03 21 77 (office) 33(0)6 11 29 30 28 (mobile) jflicencek 99designs Announces Acquisition of European Design Marketplace 12designer 6 Aug 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne/Berlin 99designs. the largest online graphic design marketplace in the world, today announced it has acquired Berlin-based, Grupo Intercom financed company 12designer. the leading creative design marketplace in Germany and the second largest in Europe after 99designs. The acquisition is 99designs first and signals the companys ongoing focus on international expansion via localization following its 35 million Series A investment led by Accel Partners last year. Germany is 99designs number one non-English language market, its fifth largest overall and one of its fastest growing. Despite minimal marketing in Germany and other European countries, European small businesses and startups have accounted for approximately 15 percent of the 155,000 graphic design contests held on 99designs English-language site to date. The 12designer acquisition will allow 99designs to better meet the needs of European customers by providing support in their own languages and time zones. Were very excited to welcome 12designer Founder and CEO Eva Missling and her talented team into the 99designs family. We believe their deep regional marketplace expertise and multi-lingual capabilities will prove instrumental in accelerating our delivery of truly localized world-class design services to European businesses and designers, said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. This acquisition enables us to build significantly on our existing momentum and resources in Europe and gives us an ideally situated base in Berlin. As the tech startup and design hub of Europe, there is no better place from which to implement our aggressive regional growth plans. In conjunction with the announcement, 99designs has named Missling the companys new General Manager of Europe. She will be tasked with optimizing localization of 99designs services for European markets, accelerating growth in Germany and across Europe, and building a 99designs team in Berlin. She will also continue to oversee 12designer, which boasts a community of more than 20,000 designers interacting with customers in German, French, Spanish, Italian and English. 12designer will continue to operate as a stand-alone site in the near term. The 12designer team is eager to join 99designs and further our shared vision of connecting businesses seeking affordable, high-quality design services with skilled designers, said Missling. The combination of 99designs global reach and resources, 12designers regional experience, and the enormous multilingual talent pool here in Berlin will be a win for Europes small business owners and designers alike. Financial terms of the deal are not being publicly disclosed. About 99designs 99designs is the worlds largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 175,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. Businesses can source graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to the community, working 1-on-1 with individual designers, or purchasing design templates from 99designs readymade store. The company was co - founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. About 12designer 12designer. the largest German marketplace for crowdsourced creative design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, print design, website design, slogans, naming services, and other creative work from a community of more than 20,000 professional creatives throughout Europe. Berlin-based 12designer was founded by Eva Missling together with Grupo Intercom and offers services in German, Spanish, French, Italian and English. 99designs survey: Startups and other small businesses expect design to become increasingly important to their success 5 Jun 2012 San Francisco We hear a lot from business and technology pundits that design is becoming an increasingly important factor in the success of companies, but does that sentiment trickle down to the people actually running small businesses and deciding how much emphasis to place on design work To find out, 99designs polled 1,500 small business owners, start-ups, entrepreneurs and design decision-makers on graphic design and its importance to their business. The results sent a clear message: small businesses really do care about design, and expect it to become increasingly important to their success in the years ahead. Here are the key findings, which you can see illustrated in our infographic. Small businesses consider design important to their success . 80 of small business owners consider the design of their logos, websites, marketing materials and other branding tools either very important or important to the success of their companies. Just 3 indicated design is not important. Design will only become more important to business success in coming years . 67 expect graphic design to play an increasingly significant role in business success over the next five years. Small businesses plan to spend more on graphic design in the coming year . 78 of survey respondents anticipate their companies will spend the same or more on graphic design work in 2012. Only 21 plan to spend less. Affordability continues to be a factor for small businesses . 65 of small business owners said they would pay up to 500 for a new custom logo 20 indicated they would pay as much as 1,000 and 15 indicated they would spend more than 1,000. With these numbers in mind, its not surprising to learn that the majority of small businesses are still taking a DIY approach: More than 50 source design work in-house or do it themselves, while 21 use freelancers, and 18 run crowdsourced design contests on sites like 99designs. Only 7 work with design agencies. Blue is the color small business owners most associate with success . Fifty-seven percent of respondents associate the color blue with success the second most cited color is green (35) followed by white (32), black (29) and red (21). Purple was the color male respondents least often associate with success, while women were least likely to select orange. Apple topped the lists for best logo and best website, while Wal-Mart topped the worst lists for both categories . Asked to name the companies with the best and worst logos and websites, those identified most often were (in order of frequency): Best logos: Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Google and FedEx Worst logos: Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Pepsi, IBM and Google Best websites: Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Nike Worst websites: Wal-Mart, Yahoo, Facebook, MySpace and Microsoft About 99designs The 99designs Business Design Survey was conducted online from March 2012 to May 2012. The 1,500 respondents were evenly split between 99designs customers and non-customers holding design decision-making roles within their companies who were polled through market research firm Ask your Target Market. 99designs Challenges Its Design Community: Make Us a New Homepage 22 Apr 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne/London 99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, is challenging its own community of more than 150,000 graphic designers to revamp its homepage. The 99designs Homepage Redesign Contest kicks off today and will accept entries through May 14. Submissions will be judged by 99designs staff and a panel of industry experts including Joe Gebbia, co-founder and CPO of Airbnb Arem Duplessis, Design Director for The New York Times Magazines Eric Ries, author of the bestselling book The Lean Startup: How Todays Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses and the blog Startup Lessons Learned and Mark Harbottle, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded 99designs, Flippa and SitePoint, among other companies, and has played an instrumental role in shaping the products at all of them. (Additional information about the judges can be found here .) 99designs will choose up to three winning homepage designs, and will award a 1,000 cash prize to each winning designer. Following the contest, 99designs will test the homepage designs using its internal testing methodologies, and will incorporate winning elements into the next version of its homepage. Weve always believed in eating our own dog food, starting with the 99designs logo design contest we held in our early days, said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. No one knows us better than the thousands of graphic designers who spend hours every day interacting with customers in our marketplace, and we cant wait to see what they come up with for 99designs. Designers who wish to participate in the 99designs Homepage Redesign Contest can register for free and review contest details on the contest page. About 99designs 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design. web design. t-shirt design. print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design contests to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 20,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs and Sharkwater Productions Launch Logo Design Contest for (R)Evolution, New Film by Award-Winning Sharkwate4 Filmmaker Rob Stewart 25 Mar 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne/Vancouver 99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, together with Sharkwater Productions. today launched a logo design contest as part of a global branding campaign for award-winning filmmaker and eco-activist Rob Stewarts new film, (R)Evolution. Graphic designers worldwide are invited to review the contest details here and to submit logo designs through Friday, March 30th. The winning designer will win a 1,000 USD award and the logo will be seen around the world, including at (R)Evolution screenings at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012 and the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2012. The public is encouraged to visit the contest at 99designs throughout the week to see the design entries as they are submitted, and to vote in a poll that will feature the finalists. (R)Evolution is Stewarts eagerly anticipated second film. His 2007 documentary Sharkwater won 35 international awards, was viewed by 124 million people, and spawned a global movement to end shark finning that led to a change in government policies around the globe. In (R)Evolution, Stewart journeys through 15 countries to explore the dangers threatening not just sharks, but all life in the oceans, the climate, and, ultimately, the survival of humanity. The film is a call to action, and just the first step in Stewarts global mission to empower young people between the ages of 15 to 30 to come together for a common cause. The (R)Evolution campaign. which will feature the winning logo throughout, is a new kind of environmental campaign for a new generation. Led by the environmental organization United Conservationists. it will educate, engage and empower youth to lead the movement through viral media across platforms and open-source resources including an online community, multimedia educational materials, a mobile application, an Eco-Heroes program and more. 99designs is committed to helping social causes and not-for-profit organizations worldwide, and were excited to be assisting with this logo design contest , said 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn. Its a natural fit with our global community of designers, who represent nearly 200 countries and encompass every political, socioeconomic and cultural background imaginable. Todays revolution is crowdsourced, for it provides people the power to come together to collaborate, share their talents and mobilize around ideas. This is what ignites social change, Stewart remarked. For the coming (R)Evolution film and campaign, we aim to do just that collaborate to build a movement. Whether it is crowdsourcing a logo design with 99designs or open-sourcing educational materials to youth, we want to invite people all over the world to be a part of this environmental revolution. This is a revolution for everyone. About 99designs 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design. web design. t-shirt design. print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. About Sharkwater Productions Sharkwater Productions is dedicated to creating media that educates and empowers the public to take action in protecting the ecosystems that we depend on for survival. The award-winning 2007 film Sharkwater inspired a global movement (R)Evolution, a feature film and campaign to premiere in 2012, aims to kick-start an environmental revolution. About United Conservationists United Conservationists (UC) is a revolution for the next generation. UC believes that by educating and empowering youth through media to protect the ecosystems we all depend upon, we have the power to start a planetary revolution. UC is dedicated to creating the infrastructure for this movement, with a focus on educating the public through viral media across platforms, creating open-source campaigns that harness mass engagement and uniting a global conservation movement like no other organization has done before. 99designs Moves Into New San Francisco Headquarters 22 Mar 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne/London 99designs the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, celebrated its move into its new downtown San Francisco headquarters last night with a kick-off party attended by dozens of movers and shakers in the Silicon Valley startup scene. 99designs launched its U. S. presence in 2010 with just two employees in San Francisco. Today, 32 employees work out of the new space including CEO Patrick Llewellyn, the majority of the companys executive team and many of the marketing, customer support and design community support team members. We designed the San Francisco office with room to grow our head count and to house visitors from our Australian team and the community at large, said Llewellyn. Weve invested heavily in outfitting the space with state-of-the-art video conferencing technology in multiple locations even our caf area and kitchen to enable for global all-hands meetings and constant connectivity between our teams. Located at 447 Battery Street at the border of the Financial District and historic Jackson Square, the 576 square metre (6,200 sq. ft.) full-floor office features expansive wood-beamed ceilings and exposed brick walls displaying poster-sized prints of winning logo designs created by 99designs designers. Another highlight: a mural of the San Francisco skyline painted by two 99designs community team members. 99designs Melbourne-based staff has grown as well, to 20, and the United Kingdom, where 99designs launched a localized website in February, is currently home to two team members. About 99designs 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 150,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. Graphic Designers Give U. S. Political Parties a Makeover at 99designs 29 Feb 2012 San Francisco With Super Tuesday next week and the drumbeat of the 2012 American presidential election growing ever louder, 99designs is inviting designers to enter the political fray and have some fun. The challenge To give the Republican and Democrat party logos an overhaul. The creative masterminds behind the two winning designs will each receive a 500 cash prize, and the logos will be sent to party leaders. Designs can be entered, and viewed, at the 99designs Political Parties Redesign Contest. 99designs was launched in February 2008, just days after President Barack Obama took up residence in the White House after a historic but highly contentious election. Since then, political mudslinging has left both the elephant and the donkey knee-deep in muck. In the spirit of bipartisanship and progress, and with a nod to the significant role graphic design played in the last presidential race (which made HOPE poster designer Shepard Fairey a household name), 99designs is calling on its design community to envision a more cooperative path through design. We think this is a great opportunity for designers to have some fun and think seriously about the messages theyd like to see the parties get across, said 99designs Community Director Jason Aiken. who oversees the activity of 145,000 designers worldwide registered with the site. Well be looking for innovative thinking and superb execution, as always, as well as the ability to balance sincerity, humor and the values each party represents. 99designs often challenges its dynamic design community to improve upon well-known existing designs in the belief that it can do better. Previous competitions sponsored by the company, which collectively received thousands of submissions, include logo redesigns for NBC Universal. The GAP and the 2016 Rio Olympics. as well as a striking new hairdo for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Designers have shown theyre eager to tackle political themes, too an independent contest launched in February 2012 by Occupy. an affiliate of the Occupy Wall Street movement, attracted more than 8,000 submissions from nearly 1,600 designers, a 99designs record on both counts. Submissions to the 99designs Political Parties Redesign Contest will be judged by the 99designs staff, taking into consideration the results of a public poll featuring finalists to be held next week. And, of course, Democrat and Republican politicians nationwide will be personally invited to cast their votes. About 99designs 99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 145,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Launches UK Site, Targets UK Designers and Businesses as Key Step in Global Expansion 13 Feb 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne/London 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, announced today it has launched into the UK at 99designs. co. uk and begun hiring staff locally as part of its strategic international growth plan. The company was founded in Melbourne in 2008 and began building out its San Francisco headquarters in 2010 - the UK will be the companys launch pad for its European expansion. The UK has been a significant market for 99designs from the very beginning in terms of the design talent and customer base weve attracted there, said CEO Patrick Llewellyn. Were looking forward to building a strong presence on the ground to help UK designers build their businesses, enable companies of all scope and size to source affordable high-quality graphic design work, and enhance and expand our services on all fronts. The UK is among 99designs fastest-growing major markets the company has increased its monthly UK design contests 120 year over year, and expects accelerated growth as it ramps marketing and local outreach activities. 99designs has held more than 120,000 design contests on its site to date in categories ranging from logo, stationery and t-shirt design to website and mobile app design, and expects to surpass 200,000 design contests by year-end. Some of 99designs top graphic designers reside in the UK, including Michael Kirby of Newcastle in the northeast of England. Kirby has made more than 30,000 in the last six months through a combination of designer payouts secured on 99designs plus ongoing client work sourced through the marketplace. 99designs has distributed more than 30 million to designers worldwide since its inception and projects it will pay out 25 million in 2012 alone. 99designs offers the perfect solution for talented designers living in the north of England or less commercial areas to find work on a global stage without having to relocate, allowing them to grow and develop their business with little risk or overhead, said Kirby, who was prompted to join 99designs after his design business took a hit in the recession. I now have a huge amount of content and glowing testimonials from clients to populate the new business website Im launching. UK businesses that have used 99designs for their graphic design needs include technology startups like Cambridge-based Hubflow, an enterprise mobile learning platform brick and mortar retail outlets including London caf and patisserie Le Petit Village and charities such as KiDs of Bolton, founded by Bolton Wanderers captain Kevin Davies and his wife, Emma Davies. About 99designs 99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design. web design. t-shirt design. print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 140,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Doubles Monthly Design Contests and Designer Payouts, Adds Key Executives and Staff to Fuel Growth 23 Jan 2012 San Francisco/Melbourne 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, today announced it has doubled the number of monthly design contests held on its site year over year, hired key staff and executives to meet growing demand, and expects significantly accelerated growth in 2012. 99designs continues to experience substantial growth across its graphic design categories, including logo, web, t-shirt and print design, as well as new categories such as mobile app design. The four-year-old company, which has held more than 115,000 design contests on its site to date, has doubled the run rate of new contests from a year ago and is on track to surpass 200,000 design contests by year end. The amount of money 99designs distributes to its designers each month continues to surge99designs expects to pay out approximately 1.5 million to its design community for contests held in January 2012, twice what designers earned for January contests last year. 99designs has paid out more than 29 million to designers to date and projects it will pay out 25 million to its designer community in 2012. Top designers on 99designs have reported earning more than 10,000 per month from a combination of designer payouts earned on 99designs plus ongoing client work sourced through the marketplace. Doubling Staff and Executive Hires To meet growing demand, 99designs has doubled its staff to more than 50 employees in less than a year and hired two key executives: Jeff Titterton as Chief Marketing Officer and Caroline Moon as Chief Financial Officer. 2011 was a stand-out year for 99designs, from rapid growth in design contests and payouts to the successful launch of the first localized versions of our site in Australia and Canada, said CEO Patrick Llewellyn. In 2012 were focused on continuous improvement of our services as crowdsourced graphic design enters the mainstream. Caroline and Jeff not only have the experience we need at this next stage of growth, they are also passionate about design, which makes them a great fit for our team and community. Titterton comes to 99designs with strong brand management, marketing and international experience, including his most recent post as VP of Marketing at social dating company Zoosk, where he led the companys aggressive global expansion. He has also served as VP of Marketing at IMVU and SVP of Consumer Marketing and Services at PlanetOut, Inc. What I love about 99designs is that it solves a major pain point felt by so many of my colleaguessourcing professional graphic design quickly and affordably, said Titterton. Im looking forward to the next phase of our evolution as we focus on expanding our customer base and refining our services to better meet the needs of both designers and customers. Moon brings financial and analytical leadership, with particular expertise in online marketplace strategy. She previously served as CFO of independent ad exchange AdBrite and prior to that worked in a series of marketplace strategy and analysis roles at online marketplace eBay and Credit Suisse First Boston. 99designs has been profitable since its inception and that isnt something many CFOs at venture-backed startups can say, said Moon. The confidence our investors have in us and the powerful engagement of our customers and designers is a testament to the strength of the crowdsourced model weve created. Im looking forward to helping the company navigate the road ahead as we shift into our next phase of growth. About 99designs 99designs, the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, enables businesses to source custom logo design, web design, t-shirt design, print design and other graphic design work quickly and affordably by launching design projects to a global community of more than 140,000 designers in 192 countries. In addition to its design contests, 99designs provides a 1-to-1 invoicing system that enables designers and customers to work together efficiently, and offers a ready-made logo store stocked with more than 13,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf. The company was co-founded by serial entrepreneurs Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz (SitePoint, Flippa), and is backed by Accel Partners and angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck) and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. 99designs Establishes Design Student Fund to Celebrate 99,999th Design Contest 10 Oct 2011 San Francisco/Melbourne October 11, 2011 Today, 99designs. 99,999th design contest by establishing a 99,999 fund for design students. Since 2008, 99designs has pioneered the crowdsourced graphic design market by helping designers and small businesses around the world work together and build lasting relationships. It has been an exhilarating ride to 99,999 contests, said Mark Harbottle, co-founder of 99designs. What better way to celebrate than by offering additional support to design students across the globe as they acquire the skills they need to build their careers. 99designs will award 1,010 x 99 bonus payments to students on top of every contest prize won, until the 99,999 cash pool runs out. Every month over 1.2 million dollars is paid out to designers in the 99designs community as a result of design work commissioned by small businesses from around the world. In just over three years 99designs has: Built a community of over 125,000 designers in over 192 countries Paid a total of 25 million to its designers Uploaded a new design to the site every 6 seconds Placed over 13,000 logos available for customization and sale in its logo store Launched 99,999 design contests to date In the past year alone weve more than doubled our contest volume and made it significantly easier and more valuable for small businesses and designers alike to use our service. We also secured investment from leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm Accel Partners. This investment has enabled us to accelerate our growth and launch localized editions of our site in key markets, said Patrick Llewellyn, CEO of 99designs. I want to thank our community of talented designers, the myriad of small businesses who use the service and our amazing team in Australia and San Francisco -- we couldnt have done it without you. Heres to the next 99,999 contests 99designs connects small businesses needing custom design work such as logos and websites to a global community of over 125,000 designers. Businesses benefit from engaging with multiple designers simultaneously making it easier to build the right relationship while designers are exposed to upwards of 1,200 new client opportunities at any given time and can showcase their work on a level playing field. For more information about the Design Student Fund please see: 99designs/designers Accel Partners Leads 35 Million Investment in 99designs to Drive Global Expansion 27 Apr 2011 San Francisco/Melbourne 99designs. the largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, announced a 35 million first-round investment led by Accel Partners, with participation from angel investors Michael Dearing (eBay, Harrison Metal), Dave Goldberg (Survey Monkey), Stewart Butterfield (Flickr, Tiny Speck), and Anthony Casalena (Squarespace). Andrew Braccia and Ryan Sweeney of Accel Partners will join 99designs Board of Directors, along with Michael Dearing, 99designs co-founder Mark Harbottle, and company CEO Patrick Llewellyn. 99designs was founded in Melbourne, Australia in February 2008, when co-founders Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz the entrepreneurs behind sitepoint, Flippa and Learnable spun it out of the SitePointForums. 99designs, which employs 26 staff in Melbourne and San Francisco, was bootstrapped and is profitable, and has enjoyed 120 percent year-on-year growth. 99designs has over 100,000 designers in 192 countries. The company has paid out over 19 million to designers to date. 99designs has hosted 75,000 projects, resulting in a new design uploaded every six seconds. There are more than 10,000 logos available for customization and sale in their logo store. The new capital will be invested in international expansion, platform development, community initiatives like design scholarships, and aggressive hiring in San Francisco and Melbourne. 99designs is Accel Partners third investment in Australia, including Atlassian Software and OzForex. Accel Partner Andrew Braccia said: Accel Partners has a history of investing in online businesses that cater to the ever changing needs of small business owners and independent professionals. 99designs has quickly become a global market leader in its category, providing an invaluable service to its customers and their global community of design professionals. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to assist in the companys next phase of growth. Michael Dearing, whose private investments include Admob (Google), Heroku (Salesforce) and Mix Labs (Twitter) said: 99designs caught my attention when I realized that nearly every one of the early stage companies and entrepreneurs I work with was turning to them to get great design work done. The team has created a marketplace that is easy for companies to get onboard with, and is also a boon for designers who can go after any of the hundreds of jobs open at any one time. 99designs Co-Founder Mark Harbottle said: Im thrilled that Accel see the same potential in 99designs that we do. This obviously presents a fantastic opportunity for the 99designs team, but Im most excited about what we have in store for our loyal community of designers, and the hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world who use 99designs. Im looking forward to the next chapter. 99designs CEO Patrick Llewellyn said: This is an exciting time for the company as it pushes forward with expansion in several key areas. We now have the benefit of our talented and dedicated team, coupled with the best technology investors around. The board and shareholder advisors we have in place provide us with exceptional experience and insight to help guide our future growth. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services. Its ready-made logo store has over 10,000 high-quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, and its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 100,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 75,000 design contests to date, sees a new design uploaded every 6 seconds, and pays out approximately 1 million to its design community each month. To learn more about 99designs, including where the company is hiring, visit 99designs. Media contact (Australia): Miranda Burford 61 3 9090 8299 99designs Supports StartUP Britain After Being Dropped 31 Mar 2011 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs is giving away a free design contest every week in April to a UK small business and upgrading all UK design contests for free for the entire month. The campaign was launched to support StartUP Britain, an initiative to encourage small business growth across the United Kingdom. The move comes after StartUP Britain dropped 99designs from its site amid heavy pressure to support local design shops instead. 99designs has helped thousands of small businesses and freelance designers across the United Kingdom British designers make up the 5 th largest segment of our design community, said Matt Mickiewicz, Founder of 99designs. We regret StartUP Britains decision to take down our link but appreciate that this seasoned group of successful entrepreneurs recognizes the tremendous value 99designs provides to small businesses and startups. Every design contest launched on 99designs in April by a business in the UK will automatically receive a free Power Pack upgrade (85 value) and be entered into a weekly drawing to have the total cost of their contest returned to them. To take advantage of the campaign, a UK business must simply: Click on the following link: 99designs/go/startupbritain Go to the 99designs website and launch a design contest between now and April 30 th. Check your emails and our website to see if you have won 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has over ten thousand high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 90,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 70,000 design contests to date for brands such as TiVo and DISH Network. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 900,000 to its design community each month. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs to Donate 100 of Profits to Benefit New Zealand Earthquake Relief 2 Mar 2011 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs is donating 100 of its profits for Thursday, March 3 rd Pacific Time to benefit New Zealands Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. The earthquake that struck Christchurch on February 22 nd has claimed over 140 lives, injured thousands and caused billions of dollars in damages. To contribute simply launch a design contest on 99designs on March 3 rd and all profits will automatically be donated directly to the relief efforts. Please visit 99designs/christchurch to get started. Our hearts go out to the victims of this horrible tragedy, said Matt Mickiewicz, Co-founder of 99designs. We are proud to do our part to help the people of New Zealand in this time of great need. 99designs is always looking for ways to help Not-for-Profit charitable causes around the globe. Please contact notforprofit99designs for more information. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has over ten thousand high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 90,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 67,000 design contests to date for brands such as TiVo and DISH Network. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 800,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Holds Design Contest for NBCUniversal Logo Redesign 30 Jan 2011 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs is sponsoring a design contest to redesign the new NBCUniversal logo that was announced following NBCUniversals sale to Comcast. The new logo received mixed reviews for dropping the iconic and colorful NBC peacock in exchange for a logo that is one-color and all text. The design contest is open for anyone to submit alternative design ideas until Sunday, February 6 th at 99designs/logo-design/contests/logo-design-better-nbc-universal-community-contest-64113. The NBCUniversal logo redesign contest is the latest in a string of successful community design contests sponsored by 99designs that have tackled everything from the GAP logo fiasco, the Rio Olympics to a new hairstyle for Julian Assange. The contests are a lot of fun and the community loves to participate the GAP contest saw nearly 5,000 submissions from over 1,000 designers around the world, said Jason Aiken Community Director for 99designs. Entries will be judged for their creativity and overall design integrity by the 99designs staff. The submissions can be viewed at 99designs/logo-design/contests/logo-design-better-nbc-universal-community-contest-64113. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has over ten thousand high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 90,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 63,000 design contests to date for brands such as TiVo and DISH Network. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Holds Design Contest to Design a Better GAP Logo 10 Oct 2010 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs launched an open design contest to Design a Better GAP Logo in response to the criticism designers and GAP customers around the world expressed when the GAP recently unveiled its own logo redesign. The project was open for anyone to participate and received 4,660 submissions from over 1,000 designers in just 5 days. The submissions can be viewed at 99designs/logo-design/contests/design-better-gap-logo-community-project-54693 the winning design will be decided by community vote and presented to GAP management in a gesture of goodwill. The GAP logo is so iconic and the redesign has clearly stirred up song strong opinions, said Mark Harbottle, founder of 99designs. We thought this would be a fun and constructive way to give people the opportunity to express themselves - were excited by incredible response and amazing talent of our design community 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has over ten thousand high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 80,000 designers. 99designs has hosted over 50,000 design contests to date for brands such as TiVo and DISH Network. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Raises 6,000 for Gulf Oil Spill Relief Auctioning its Webby Award Speech 13 Jun 2010 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs has raised 6,000 for The Gulf Restoration Network by auctioning off its 5-word Webby Award acceptance speech to the highest bidder. Fotolia placed the winning bid for the speech that will be presented on stage at the Webby Award Gala in New York City on Monday, June 14th. Auctioning off their Webby Award acceptance speech was an ingenious way for 99designs to raise donations for the Gulf Oil disaster relief fund, says Fotolia founder and CEO Oleg Tscheltzoff. Fotolia is honored to be able to contribute to this creative relief effort approach. Collectively, we can all make a difference and rectify this terrible tragedy. On behalf of the entire 99designs team we want to thank Fotolia for making the auction a success, said Mark Harbottle, Founder of 99designs. Were really happy we were able to leverage a small moment in the spotlight to lend a helping hand in a time of great need for the Gulf of Mexico. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has thousands of high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 200,000 members. 99designs sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. Freedom to download over 9,000,000 royalty-free photos, vectors, and videos is found on Fotolia. With an unbeatable commitment to quality and affordability, high-resolution images on Fotolia start at less than 1. Fotolia revolutionized the industry in 2007 by becoming the first online image provider to bring together micro and agency stock with the addition of the Infinite Collection. Today, Fotolia is proudly represented in 12 countries and offers service in 10 languages. For more information please visit: fotolia 99designs Auctions Webby Award Speech to Raise Money for Oil Spill Relief 9 Jun 2010 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs is auctioning off its Webby Award acceptance speech to raise money to support the oil spill relief efforts of The Gulf Restoration Network. 99designs will use its 5-word speech to thank the highest bidder on stage at the Webby Award Gala in New York City on Monday, June 14th. Here is how it works: 99designs will collect bids via email (press99designs ) until 12:00 pm PT on Monday, June 14th. Bidding starts at 1,000 and increases in 1,000 increments. The money will be donated directly from the highest bidder to The Gulf Restoration Network and is 100 tax deductible. 99designs will use its 5-word speech to thank the highest bidder on stage at the Webby Award Gala in New York City: Thanks for your donation (COMPANY NAME) Please send your Name, Email Address, Phone Number along with your how much youd like to bid to press99designs. Like so many others, everyone at 99designs is saddened by the ongoing tragedy of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, said Mark Harbottle, Founder of 99designs. We thought we would try something fun to help every little bit helps. For more information and to track the current highest bidder please visit: bit. ly/cWmqqB. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has thousands of high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 200,000 members. 99designs sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Slips Past Dropbox and Tumblr to Take The Peoples Voice Webby 6 May 2010 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- The global Web community has voted 99designs as the Best Web Service amp Application of the year in the Webby Peoples Voice Awards. 99designs, the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design, passed Dropbox and Tumblr on the final day of voting to take the prestigious award. We hold Tumblr and Dropbox in extremely high regard. Like many millions of people around the world we use their services and love them, so we were incredibly humbled when we heard the news that wed won, said Matt Mickiewicz, Cofounder of 99designs. To pull off the surprise upset, 99designs had to get the full support of its community at just the right time. The company rallied its community in the final hours of voting, promising that it would celebrate a Webby win with the entire 99designs team marching down a main street singing Queens We are the Champions and post it to YouTube for all to see. To be honest I never thought wed have to sing, its just one of those things we threw out there to keep it fun for our community. They probably would have voted anyway, but perhaps a tiny part of their motivation was to see us totally embarrass ourselves, said Mark Harbottle, Cofounder of 99designs. In any case we are extremely grateful to our community and we now have a video to produce - the worst part is we cant sing. 99designs will be honored at a star-studded ceremony hosted by B. J. Novak of NBCs The Office on June 14th in New York City. On June 15th, fans will be able to watch the ceremony, including 99designs five-word speech, at the official Webby Awards YouTube Channel. The Webby Awards honors the very best of the Internet, said David-Michel Davies, executive director of The Webby Awards. 99designs win is a testament to the skill, ingenuity, and vision of its creators. Hailed as the Internets highest honor by The New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile websites. The Webby Awards is presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a 650-person judging academy whose members include Martha Stewart, R/GAs Chief Bob Greenberg, David Bowie, Arianna Huffington and Twitters Biz Stone. 99designs is the 1 marketplace for small business graphic design. Its Ready-made logo store has thousands of high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, while its Design Contest Marketplace enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom logo design. web design. business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects to a global community of over 190,000 members. 99designs sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. For more information please visit: 99designs. About The Webby Awards Hailed as the Internets highest honor by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile web sites. Established in 1996, the 13th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from all 50 states and over 60 countries worldwide. The Webby Awards is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Sponsors and Partners of The Webby Awards include: Microsoft Expression Aol YouTube Pepsi Aquent Yahoo Tribal DDB Worldwide East Media IDG PricewaterhouseCoopers 2advanced. Net KobeMail Museum of the Moving Image Behance Business Insider and Time Out New York. 99designs Up Against Dropbox and Tumblr for the Best Web Services ampamp Applications in the 14th Annual Webby Awards 13 Apr 2010 San Francisco Fans can vote to help 99designs win Internets top honor BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the 1 marketplace small business graphic design, today announced it has been nominated for the best Web Services amp Applications in the 14 th Annual Webby Awards. Hailed as the Internets highest honor by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet. 99designs enables businesses to quickly and cost effectively source custom graphic design work without the risk while at the same time creates the opportunity for designers to showcase their talents on a level playing field. Its Ready-made logo store has thousands of high quality logos available for customization and sale right off the shelf for 99, and its Design Contest Marketplace allows businesses to source custom designed logos, websites, business cards or any other graphic design work by launching open design projects to a global community of over 65,000 designers. 99designs has completed over 41,000 projects to date for clients ranging from New York Times best selling authors and Fortune 500 companies to thousands of small businesses and organizations across the globe. It sees a new design uploaded every 7 seconds and pays out over 600,000 to its design community every month. Nominees like 99designs are setting the standard for innovation and creativity on the Internet, said David-Michel Davies, executive director of the Webby Awards. It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the nearly 10,000 entries we received this year. Its truly an honor to be nominated for the webs most prestigious award, said Mark Harbottle, founder of 99designs. 99designs has created opportunities for tens of thousands of designers all over the world and has helped break down the barriers of getting custom graphic design work for small businesses. I am extremely proud of the success we have enjoyed and this nomination is a testament to the excellence and hard work of the entire team who have built 99designs from the ground up. As a nominee, 99designs is also eligible to win a Webby Peoples Voice Award, which is voted online by the global Web community. From now until April 29th, fans of 99designs can cast their votes in The Webby Peoples Voice Awards at bit. ly/c4Trmy. Winners will be announced on May 4th, 2010 and honored at a star-studded ceremony in New York City on June 14th where they will have an opportunity to deliver one of The Webby Awards famous five-word speeches. Past Webby Award winners - and their speeches - include Al Gore (Please dont recount this vote.), Stephen Colbert (Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.), and Michel Gondry (Keyboards are full of germs.). The Webby Awards is presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a 650-person judging academy whose members include Internet co-inventor Vinton Cerf, R/GAs Chief Bob Greenberg, Simpsons creator Matt Groening, Arianna Huffington, and Harvey Weinstein. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. About The Webby Awards Hailed as the Internets highest honor by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile web sites. Established in 1996, the 13th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from all 50 states and over 60 countries worldwide. The Webby Awards is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Sponsors and Partners of The Webby Awards include: Microsoft Expression Aol YouTube Pepsi Aquent Yahoo Tribal DDB Worldwide East Media IDG PricewaterhouseCoopers 2advanced. Net KobeMail Museum of the Moving Image Behance Business Insider and Time Out New York. 99designs Logo Store Opens With Over 4,300 Logos For Sale 22 Mar 2010 San Francisco Thousands of High Quality Logos Can Be Purchased and Customized From 99 BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the 1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design for small business, today announced its new Ready-made logo store is now open for business. The Ready-made logo store from 99designs provides small businesses immediate access to a catalogue of thousands of professional logos that can be browsed, purchased and customized starting at just 99. The Ready-made storefront can be found at: 99designs/logo-design/store. Logos in the store are categorized by industry customers simply browse the catalogue and choose the logo they like best. Logos are then customized with the buyers business name and delivered in 24 hours or less. Customers can purchase the non-exclusive rights for 99 or exclusive rights for an additional 199. The Ready-made logo store is the fastest and easiest way for small businesses to get a professional logo design, said Mark Harbottle, Co-founder of 99designs. While our popular design contest marketplace is ideal if youre looking for a fully customized logo, many small business owners simply want a fast, cost effective, off the shelf option - our new logo store serves this purpose nicely. There are currently over 4,300 unique and original logos available for sale, with new logos added to the catalogue every day. Designers interested in uploading logos for sale can do so by visiting 99designs/logo-design/store/submit. For more information about the Ready-made logo store please visit: 99designs/logo-design/store. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs launches ready-made logo store 10 Feb 2010 San Francisco Thousands of High Quality Logos Can Be Purchased and Customized from 99 BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the 1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design for small business, today announced a new Ready-made logo store where thousands of professional logos can be browsed, purchased and customized starting at just 99. The Ready-made logo store from 99designs provides small businesses immediate access to a catalogue of original and professional logos while also creating additional opportunities for designers to generate revenue. The Ready-made storefront is now accessible and accepting logo uploads with the first logos available for sale in March. The logo store compliments the existing design contest marketplace at 99designs to create two options for sourcing professional logos at an affordable price. Small businesses looking for the fastest solution can pick a logo off the shelf at the Ready-made store and quickly have it customized to fit their needs. Meanwhile, clients who desire the highest level of customization can choose to have their logo created from scratch by crowdsourcing it to the community of designers at 99designs. While our popular design contest marketplace is ideal if youre looking for a fully customized logo, many small business owners simply want a fast, cost effective, off the shelf option, said Mark Harbottle, Co-founder of 99designs. With thousands of professional logo designs ripe for the picking, our new logo store serves this purpose nicely. At the same time, our 60,000 active designers who upload a fresh design every 10 seconds to 99designs will welcome another potential source of income, and another channel to expose their talent to thousands of new customers. 99designs is currently working with its designers to prepare and categorize the Ready-made logos for sale. Designers interested in uploading logos for sale can do so by visiting 99designs/readymade/submit/logo. The first logos will be available for purchase in March at 99designs/readymade/logos. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Announces 1,000 Design Package Sweepstakes 16 Dec 2009 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs. the 1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design for small businesses, today announced the 1,000 Design Package Sweepstakes. The winner will receive 1,000 to be used on 99designs to run a design project of their choice: logo design, web design, marketing materials, product labels or any other graphic design needed. To enter the sweepstakes for free via twitter please visit: bit. ly/8mGq3G To enter the sweepstakes for free via Facebook please visit: bit. ly/5WoyaM Sweepstakes entrants who invite their friends to enter using the official sweepstakes entry form on either twitter or Facebook will receive another entry for each friend that enters via that referral. The sweepstakes is open until December 22, 2009. Please see the official rules here: bit. ly/6eRJWW. 99designs enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom designed logos, websites, business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects open to a global community of over 54,000 graphic designers. The average design project sees 99 custom design submissions, significantly reducing the risks typically associated with qualifying and hiring a freelancer or a design agency. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. Former Logoworks Director Joins 99designs 9 Dec 2009 San Francisco BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the 1 marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design for small businesses, today announced that former Logoworks Executive Vice President and significant shareholder, Jeff Kearl, has joined the 99designs advisory board. Kearl, now an angel investor, brings invaluable direct experience in the small business graphic design market and will provide strategic leadership across a range of business issues. With its unique crowdsourcing model, 99designs is again reshaping the graphic design landscape, said Jeff Kearl. In a very short time 99designs has achieved amazing growth, servicing over 30,000 small business customers and cultivating a design community of over 140,000 members. I look forward to sharing my insights and knowledge to help 99designs develop it business further and reach even greater heights. In addition to playing a key role in the growth of Logoworks, Jeff Kearl was integral in selling Logoworks to HP in 2007, where he later served as the Director of Strategy and New Ventures for HP. Jeff has made angel investments in 16 companies, including Omniture (sold to Adobe for 1.8B), MyFamily (sold to Spectrum Equity for 300M), Coupa, Outright, FamilyLink, Zenprint, and now 99designs. We are truly excited to have someone of Jeffs caliber and experience join 99designs, said Mark Harbottle, founder of 99designs. It gives us great pride to have of one of the earliest innovators in the online design services space join the team. We look forward to Jeffs strategic input as we continue to provide a unique platform for professional graphic design services at an affordable price, and create opportunity for designers across the globe. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Named Best Startup Idea by Smartcompany 30 Nov 2009 San Francisco/Melbourne BUSINESS WIRE -- 99designs. the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, has been named the Best Startup Idea in the 2009 SmartCompany Crown Lager Business Startup Awards. SmartCompany and Crown Lager created the Business Startup Awards to recognize Australias fastest growing startups and most innovative entrepreneurs. 99designs was additionally recognized in the top 15 of the 50 fastest growing startups. 99designs enables businesses to quickly and inexpensively source custom designed logos, websites, business cards or any other graphic design work by launching design projects open to a global community of over 52,000 graphic designers. The average design project sees 99 custom design submissions, significantly reducing the risks typically associated with qualifying and hiring a freelancer or a design agency. To launch a design project customers simply define their needs and set their budget. The design community then begins submitting designs for consideration and the project holder guides the process by providing feedback on the submitted work. Designers iterate and submit designs until the project closes, at which time the project holder picks a winner and leaves with a finished design. A unique and consistent brand image is crucial to business success, however, many small businesses struggle with branding because of the expense and difficulty of hiring a professional designer, said Mark Harbottle, founder of 99designs. By taking an innovative crowdsourcing approach, 99designs offers unparalleled choice at unbeatable prices. Its an honor to have our efforts recognized by SmartCompany and Crown Lager with the 2009 Best Startup Idea Award. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. Design an Official SXSW 2010 T-shirt on 99designs 20 Oct 2009 San Francisco Open Opportunity to Create Official Memorabilia for One of the Largest Music, Film and Web Conferences BUSINESS WIRE -- South by Southwest (SXSW), one of the largest music, film and web conferences, is hosting an open design project on 99designs to design an official SXSW 2010 t-shirt. The project is free for anyone to participate and is accepting design submissions for 10 days only. SXSW will pick the top 5 designs, which will then be voted on by the community to select the winning design that will be printed and sold at SXSW 2010. The SXSW t-shirt project is a great opportunity for not only the community at 99designs, but also the SXSW community at large, to further participate in the creation of one of the worlds best festivals, said Mark Harbottle, Founder of 99designs. Designers from all over the world come to 99designs to design for projects they would not have been exposed to otherwise. Its a great way for a designer to sharpen their skills and build client relationships, while making friends and having fun. For more information and the specific requirements of the SXSW t-shirt design project please visit: 99designs/sxsw. The deadline for submissions is on October 30 th. 2009. 99designs connects clients needing custom design work such as logos and websites to a thriving community of over 49,000 talented designers who submit a new custom design to the site every 12 seconds. To date 99designs has awarded over USD 6 million, with over USD 500,000 being paid to designers in the last 30 days alone. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. Rick Warren Crowdsources New Book Cover on 99designs 15 Sep 2009 San Francisco Open Opportunity to Design the Cover of a New York Times Best Selling Author BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, today announced that Rick Warren. best selling author of The Purpose Driven Life, is running an open design project to design the cover of his new book. The Hope You Need. Warrens last book sold over 30 million copies. 99designs creates opportunities for designers all across the globe to showcase their talents on a level playing field, said Mark Harbottle, Founder of 99designs. Rick Warrens project is another great example of giving an unheralded designer an equal opportunity and the chance to jump-start their career with a high profile project that they would not otherwise have been exposed to. For more information and the specific requirements of Rick Warrens book cover design project please visit: 99designs/contests/28531. The deadline for submissions is on September 19 th. 2009. 99designs connects clients needing custom design work such as logos and websites to a thriving community of over 46,000 talented designers who submit a new custom design to the site every 12 seconds. To date 99designs has awarded over USD 6 million, with over USD 400,000 being paid to designers in the last 30 days alone. 99designs is the largest marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 28,000 design contests to date with over 2,600,000 unique designs submitted. For more information please visit: 99designs. 99designs Offers One Stop Shop to get Custom Wordpress Themes Designed, Coded and Installed 23 Apr 2009 Melbourne April 24, 200999designs. the largest marketplace for crowdsourced design, has been named in the SMART 100 Index as one of Australias 100 most innovative products. The SMART 100 Index, co-created by leading business magazine Australian Anthill and market research leader Colmar Brunton. was selected over a six month process by 1,600 maven judges. 99designs enables businesses and entrepreneurs to quickly and inexpensively source custom designed logos, business cards, websites or any other graphical element by tapping into a growing community of over 32,000 graphic designers. Clients simply post a description of what they are looking to have designed, what they are willing to pay and how long the project will remain open for submissions. The average project sees 70-80 submissions from a dozen or more designers. Finding the right designer the traditional way is no easy task, said Mark Harbottle, CEO and founder of 99designs. By taking an innovative crowdsourcing approach through 99designs, you can literally be presented with 99 different designs from dozens of different designers, which vastly increases your chances of finding the right designer for your business. Its a true honor to have our efforts be recognized as an inaugural member of the SMART 100 Index. The SMART 100 aims to bring a greater commercial focus to the concept of innovation, returning ownership of the principles surrounding this important word to the private sector, said James Tuckerman, Founder and Publisher of Anthill Magazine and founder of the SMART 100 Index. Most awards rely on the expertise of a select few. The inaugural SMART 100 employed the knowledge and opinions of over 1,600 maven judges. According to John Shanahan, CEO, Colmar Brunton, The mavens unique talent is his or her ability to unearth and identify, from all the new products and services available in the marketplace, the innovations that are worth propagating. A maven also generally has the ability to communicate the potential of the innovation to the broader public and, therefore, plays an integral role in the mass take-up of any innovation. About Australian Anthill Anthill is one of Australias leading business magazines and online communities. It is dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and the commercial development of Australian ideas. Anthill is distributed nationally through over 1,200 newsagents, via subscription and through its recently re-launched website (anthillonline ). About Colmar Brunton Colmar Brunton is one of Australias largest market research agencies, with offices in Singapore and every mainland state of Australia. Colmar Brunton stays at the forefront of technology by embracing new ways to gain greater insights from research. Colmar Brunton and Anthill have partnered in the development of a new methodology that combines traditional measures with new technologies and crowdsourcing techniques. 99designs is the leading online design contest marketplace, connecting passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design services. It has held over 20,000 design contests to date, awarding over 4.5 Million USD to its design community. For more information please visit: 99designs . SMART 100 Contact: Lachlan Wharton (03) 9428 3777 99designs Lets Businesses Leverage Web 2.0 to Have Up To 21,000 Designers Compete for New Logos and Websites 17 Nov 2008 San Francisco To Stay Competitive, Businesses Can Tune up Their Look and Feel with a Fast Turnaround and Set Budget BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the largest design competition marketplace, today announced that more businesses are leveraging its community of over 21,000 designers for professional design work on logos, business cards, websites and more to take advantage of the ability to set a firm budget and ensure a quick turnaround. By controlling both the timeline and the costs, businesses can rapidly use professional design to get a polished look and competitive edge. Finding the right professional designer is often a real challenge for businesses. It takes a lot of time to vet candidates and engage in a negotiation process where the designers ultimately have greater control in setting the budget. Often the project takes longer than anticipated, the budget escalates, and in the end the client only gets a handful of designs to choose from. Using 99designs, businesses can leverage Web 2.0 crowdsourcing capabilities to take control over both the budget and the timeline. Clients simply post design requirements including: the nature of the design project, specific qualities desired, the amount of money offered for the completed work and the number of days the project will remain open. Designers can then immediately begin competing for the work by submitting designs for consideration. Tapping into the online community of over 21,000 designers at 99designs greatly expands the number of finished designs clients have to choose from. Clients provide feedback on the work submitted to help guide the process and clarify what they want to see in a finished product. After the competition ends, the client picks a winner and leaves with a finished design project. Businesses of all kinds are looking for ways to be competitive in todays economic climate, said Mark Harbottle, CEO and founder of 99designs. 99designs makes it easy for the start up looking to get off the ground quickly or the established company looking to rebrand to reap the benefits of professional design. On any given day, law firms, dental practices, technology companies, non-profits and more are using 99designs to sharpen their professional image, put their best foot forward and stay competitive. 99designs connects clients needing design work to a thriving community of over 21,000 talented designers. In under a year, 99designs has held over 13,000 design projects. For more information please visit: 99designs . 99designs is an online design marketplace and community that connects passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design. It has held over 13,000 design contests to date with nearly 1,000,000 unique designs. For more information please visit: 99designs . 99designs Launches US Headquarters to Meet Rising Demand for Crowdsourced Design 20 Oct 2008 San Francisco SMB s Source Designs Quicker, More Inexpensively and With Greater Choice BUSINESS WIRE - 99designs. the largest design contest marketplace, announced today the opening of its US headquarters. The company was created to enable SMB s and nonprofits to quickly and inexpensively crowdsource custom designed logos, business cards, websites and more while at the same time creating a level playing field for designers to showcase their work and win new clients. The new office, located in San Francisco, is a result of 99designs rapid growth the site is now reporting that a new design is uploaded every 30 seconds. 99designs brings the power of crowdsourcing to custom design. Using online design contests open to its design community of over 20,000 designers, 99designs greatly expands the number of creative minds working on a design project. Not only do clients benefit from the abundance of choice, but the design process itself is streamlined saving both time and money. To begin this process, clients simply post design requirements and set a budget. Designers can immediately begin submitting their designs while clients guide the process by commenting on the submitted work. After the contest ends, usually in about a week, the client picks a winner and leaves with a finished design project. Crayons without Borders needed a logo so we could begin our fundraising efforts and 99designs was recommended to me through a friend. I honestly could not believe how many design options I got and how quick and painless the whole process was, said Karen Kahn, founder of Crayons without Borders. The community was the amazing aspect, because you essentially get your own focus group. I could read what the designers were saying about all of the designs and it helped inform my decision. Using 99designs was an incredible experience I would use it again in a heartbeat. Finding the right designer for your business the traditional way is often a long and complicated process leading to frustration and escalating expenses, said Mark Harbottle, CEO and founder of 99designs. Whats great about 99designs is that you can literally be presented with 99 different designs from dozens of different designers, which vastly increases your chances of finding the right designer for your business. Designers also benefit because they now have a place online where they can demonstrate their talent and build relationships with new clients. For designers, 99designs is the perfect marketing and lead generation tool. 99designs connects clients needing design work to a thriving community of over 20,000 talented designers. In under a year, 99designs has held over 12,000 design projects. For more information please visit: 99designs . 99designs is an online design marketplace and community that connects passionate designers from around the globe with savvy clients who need design projects completed in a timely fashion without the usual risk or cost associated with professional design. It has held over 12,000 design contests to date with nearly 1,000,000 unique designs. For more information please visit: 99designs . 99designs Takes Out the 2008 Smartcompany Top Website Award 14 Sep 2008 Melbourne Were delighted to announce that on Friday night 99designs took out the Top Website Award in the 2008 SmartCompany Awards which honors the fastest growing and most innovative companies of Australia in 2008. The top website award was judged by the SmartCompany team in conjunction with David Trewern, the founder of DTDigital, one of Australias leading web design and development businesses. David is not only a judge for the prestigious International Webby Awards, hes one of Australias most well known and respected designers. Heres what David had to say about 99designs 99designs is extremely simple and reasonably well executed, evidenced by the fact that a large number of quality connections have been made to date. Being a trained designer, this site received my full attention. It has the potential to deliver value to buyers, but perhaps also commoditise design in the process. It could be viewed as a piece of destructive technology. In a very web democratic way, the long term impact of this website will now be decided by its community of users. My view is that any website that has the potential to create a paradigm shift should be recognised as an important contribution to progress and innovation. FULL credit goes to the entire 99designs team. An amazing amount of work has gone into this site they thoroughly deserve the recognition. 99designs: The 1 Design Contest Marketplace 9 Sep 2008 Melbourne At this point in time there is over 90,000 USD in open prize money on 99designs. Around 13,000 USD of new cash is offered every day. This is not only a record for 99designs, we believe its a world record we dont know of any other site like 99designs anywhere that offers that kind of cashola to designers on a daily basis. That makes 99designs the 1 design contest marketplace on the Web. Why am I telling you this Well, if youre going to invest your time building a profile on a site like 99designs (either as a client or a designer) you want to make sure youre getting maximum bang for your buck more clients means more opportunities for designers to win new business, and more designers means more choice for our clients. Everyone wins How 99designs Changed One Designers Life. 4 Sep 2008 Melbourne We get a lot of email from clients and designers encouraging us to keep up the great work. We often circulate these messages amongst the team it gives us a real kick. Heres one we received earlier this week that really resonated with the team I just wanted to write you and say Thank You for developing 99designs. It has been truly a life saver for me. I would say that most of the designers are young an upcoming, while I am old enough to be their mother. I started studying art and design in high school many years ago. Because of family commitments, I wasnt able to pursue my dreams of becoming a graphic artist. I still tinkered with web design whenever I got the chance between being a parent, full time professional, cooking, cleaning, children activities, etc. etc. Now that my children are grown, my husband gone, and Im disabled, I found my true passion again. I found SitePoint by chance and started entering contest. I started with logos, but found that wasnt my forte. Then I started entering web design uncoded contest. It took awhile but I started winning contest. I even won 5 contests for the month of February. I was even getting invited to enter contest. I couldnt believe how well this was working. Because of 99designs, several design firms noticed my work and I now have more offers than I can handle. In the last 4 months, I have made over 20,000 from designing websites outside of 99designs. I havent had time to enter but a couple of contest on 99designs because of the outside offers. I owe this all to SitePoint and 99designs. Being disabled, I am unable to go out and chase down new clients. I depended on word of mouth and clients viewing my designs on 99designs. I understand a lot of designers feel that sites like 99designs undervalue their work and talent. I have to disagree. Sites like 99design give individuals with talents, whether young or old, able or disabled, schooled or unschooled, an opportunity to display their art and demonstrate their abilities. It isnt easy. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and patience. Again, Thank you 99designs. Through your contest my dream is finally coming true. It may have took 25 years, but better late than never. Kindest regards, Sheree Its easy to get caught up in the technology and the business of making things bigger and better, and forget about the people who are actually using your site We try to stay as connected as we can to our users, we talk to you regularly via these blogs, private message, email, and of course our user voice page. but we never expected that this site could have such a profound impact on one persons life. It made our day Up To 50 of Design Contests Can Result In Follow-on Work 1 Sep 2008 Melbourne One of the little known benefits of design contests is the ability for winning designers to pick up direct work from clients once a contest has been won. It makes sense when you think about it. Run a logo contest to find yourself a designer, then rather than go through the whole design contest process again, simply ask the winning designer for a quote to do your business cards and stationery in a similar style. Our top designers tell us that as many as 25 of all contests they win result in future work. Andrew Angus from switchmarketing who runs several design contests through 99designs said for him its as high as 50. Andrew has documented his recent experience with a design contest in this video which shows the great result he achieved with a 220 prize offered on 99designs plus 1,000 of follow on work for the winning designer. Check it outHIGHLIGHTS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Transcript and Presenters Notes 1 HIGHLIGHTS From the PHOENIX MEETING December 2002 2 COUNCIL FRAMEWORK Motion passed to accept current version of Council Framework (with some edits) as FINAL (Green). Discussion of other suggestions to be covered in IMPACT Chapter 9 (Ward). Next review/revision of Framework at 2004 Conference (Markowitz). Create Factsheet on Framework (CO/Peters). Consider title suggestions Nationwide or National Framework for Monitoring(Green) 3 COUNCIL WEBSITE Recognition for Eva Anderson for design of Council Logo, Banner, Water Information Cycle, and Framework. (Johnson all) Expand purpose from Brochure. Move Framework Wheel to upper right, next to purpose and larger picture(s) to lower position. Use pictures from brochure. Feature on Web as Whats New -- enhanced EPA/USGS cooperation on NWIS-STORET Version 3, beginning January 2003. 4 COUNCIL WEBSITE Make link to National Conference more visible on Council website. Encourage your organizations to link to the Council website. Provide URL for redesign site to selected reviewers not familiar with Council. Provide all comments on site via email to kimmartzatusgs. gov cc tjohnsonatusgs. gov 5 IMPACT ISSUE December 18 soft deadline for authorssend all you have to Robert (Ward all). Ward will combine and distribute for all authors for review and consistency. March deadline for final drafts to Robert Ward. March through June internal member organization reviews and approvals. July 1 final copy submitted to AWRA editor. 6 COUNCIL EXHIBITS Create new Council laminated poster using elements of brochure, framework, water info cycle for use at meetings and conferences (Peters, w/input from Johnson). Showcase products that Council can provide to the monitoring community and other state/regional councils (e. g. WQDE, NEMI, publications). 7 2004 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Motion approved by Council Steering Committee to select Chattanooga, TN as site for 2004 National Monitoring Conference (Spooner, Dycus, Markowitz). Suggested date week of May 18, 2004. Suggested themes Applying the Framework Putting the Framework to Use. Conference to include volunteer monitor community. Workshop for Tribal issues. 8 2004 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Chairs are Chuck Spooner, Don Dycus, and Peter Tennant. Designate two members from each Work Group to participate on Conference Planning Committee. 9 2003 COUNCIL SCHEDULE Week of May 12, 2003, Council to meet in Chattanooga, TN. Week of August 18, 2003, Council to meet in East CoastMaryland/Virginia or Rhode Island/ New Hampshire conference centers. (Mallard, Spooner, Griffin) 10 WORKGROUP TASKS Workgroups to discuss conference Assign 2 members to Conference Planning Committee (CPC). May include workgroup members who are not Council members on CPC. Consider workgroup topics/products for presentation at conference. Consider conference themes. (All workgroup chairs) 11 OTHER MEETINGS Proposed joint meeting with Water Quality Coordinating Committee, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Expert Workshop on Water Quality Monitoring. (Peters, Green, Laine) Pursue meeting with Federal representatives on Council and ACWI to discuss funding/support for ACWI sponsored conferences (especially for upcoming 2004 National Conference) and other Federal water budget initiatives (Johnson). 12 NWIS/STORET In response to Council recommendation on NWIS/STORET compatibility, Draft Agreement will be signed by USGS, and EPA (Hirsch, Sutfin) USGS and EPA will deliver data from NWIS and STORET to Federal, State, and Tribal organizations as well as to the general public and scientific community. Technical Team will report quarterly to USGS and EPA managers and also report to NWQMC whenever requested. 13 NWIS/STORET Both agencies will work together on the development of new versions of their data systems. EPA Version 3 to start January 2003. Contacts are Bob King, EPA, and Ken Lanfear, USGS. 14 STATE COUNCILS Council to draft letter for signature of Bob Hirsch, USGS, and EPA, Office of Water, for support of State and Regional Councils (Johnson). Letter to be sent to USGS District Offices, EPA Regional Offices, Water Resources Research Institutes, and other State contacts. Show reasons these agencies support State Councils-- Resources available on NWQMC websiteNEMI, WQDEs, links to National Conferences. Revised Council Brochure and new business card with Council logo, framework logo, URL for website, and email address. 15 COUNCIL TOPICS AT ACWI Presentations at ACWI 2003 Annual Meeting, April 8-9, 2003 (Johnson) Support for State and Regional Councils (CO). Council issue of IMPACT Magazine (Ward). EPA/USGS NWIS/STORET joint session (Mallard). Methods Board NEMI work on Water Homeland Security issues (part of session with ASCE committee, Information Security Advisory Committee (AMWAS ISAC) (Peters). 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